Patrick- friends?

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Starting a new school can't be easy. Especially when you don't know anyone at the school.

You shimmied through the doors and dodged past the pupils in the school. You didn't want to draw too much attention or cause any trouble on your first day. You stood by your locker and sorted everything in it. You navigated your way down the hall until you were knocked to the floor. You looked up to find a guy with black rimmed glasses and a fedora. "Uh sorry." You scowled a little and stood up. He obviously didn't mean that apology. "It's fine." You said sarcastically and quite harshly. "I'm uh Patrick." He said whilst staring off at another girl. "(Y/N). Not that you care." You muttered. You shoved past him and stormed towards your first class.

A few months had past and you'd made some friends. Brendon, Hayley and Tyler. But you'd also made an enemy. Patrick. Ever since the day you met, you and Patrick had a hatred for one another. "So Tyler, how's josh?" Josh was his best friend who went to another school. "He's okay I guess." "(Y/N), anything good happen? You know, with patty?" Your fists clenched at that. Hayley and Brendon thought that you and him would be great together because it should be a love hate relationship. "Yeah. You made up yet?" Brendon chimed in. "No! And we never will! He's a jerk!" Suddenly their faces looked shocked at something from behind you. "I hate him and always will! He doesn't do anything nice for anyone because the only person he cares about is his self." "Wow thanks!" You turned around to find Patrick standing behind you. You scowled at him. "You're welcome! But at least you're finally using manners!" "Mmm well, I do use them. Just not for you." "You know what Patrick. It's good that Elisa broke up with you! She doesn't have to suffer your company!" Patrick's face darkened. "Well. I did a little studying." He said in a dark husky voice. "Turns out you moved schools 'cause you were bullied! Now I think you deserved that because you're such a bitch!" (If you are getting bullied, you don't deserve it and I'm here if you need someone.)

You felt a lump form in your throat so you ran off. Patrick noticed what you said. He ran after you.
"(Y/N)! I'm sorry! wait up!" "Go away!" He caught up with you and tugged on your arm. "I'm really sorry." He turned you around to see your eyes drowned in tears. "It's just. I well...Hearing all you said was really making angry. I was a wreck after Elisa ended it. That comment just brought all the feelings back." "And that's why you said that about my old school? Because you wanted my old feelings to come back?" "Yeah. Sorry." You thought for a minute and then looked up to meet Patrick's eyes. "I'm really sorry too. I shouldn't have said that." "Friends?" You grabbed his hand and smiled. "Friends."
(A/N) I'm sorry. Didn't know what to write. If you are bullied then I'm also sorry for that too because you don't deserve to be bullied. I'm here if you need anyone to talk to or for advice.
Peace out👽

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