Preference- You hit him

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You walked down the halls of your schools alone,minding your own business. That was until the douche walked up to you.

"(Y/N). Wanna go out this weekend?" You stopped walking with him and glared at him. "W-what?!" You asked surprised. "Wanna go on a date. With me. This weekend?" He asked again. "Why?" Pete chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. "Uh. Just because." He lied.

You saw right through the act and started walking away. "Wait! Where you going?" "This isn't real. You don't like me." "What?" He asked trying to act surprised. You thought you could play him. Get him to admit what he was hiding.

"Alright Pete. My place. Bring some toys." You said as you winked. His face filled with horror. "Okay okay. It was a dare." "I knew it- wait. A dare?" "Yeah. Guys dared me to do it because your known as a slut." He said whilst shrugging. You don't know where this was coming from. You were still a virgin and hadn't ever kissed anyone.

You slapped him as hard as you could across his face. "That's so shitty. Why would you do that to anyone?" You walked away and as you were walking you turned and faced him "and by the way. I'm a virgin you asshole!" You shouted as you flipped him off.

"Come on hit me!"
"Please!" He pleaded back.
"Andy, why do you want me to hit you so bad?"
"I want to know that my girlfriend is safe if someone comes at her. Now. Hit. Me!"

You rolled your eyes and nodded. He came towards you and you punched him on the cheek. You didn't mean to hit him that hard. He fell back and looked at you in shock. "Shit babe. Guess I don't have to worry."

You ran to his side and kissed his cheek. "Sorry." "No. I'm glad my girl can hit." You giggled and kissed him. "I love you so much." "I love you too (Y/N)."

Patrick had been away on tour for 3 months and was coming home today.

You sat on the couch, eating junk food and watching your favourite show. You heard the front door open and then close. You tried your best to get up but really struggled. You gave up and sat there, sighing.

Patrick walked in the room and a smile was placed on his face as soon as he saw you. "Hi baby!" He ran to you and kneeled in front of you. He kissed your face over and over again until he got to your lips and held it there for a while.

"Hi. I really missed you. I would have greeted you at the door but I couldn't get up." Patrick chuckled and then laid eyes on your stomach. "I missed you too. And no kidding, you've gotten so big." He smiled.

You gasped and hit his arm really hard. "Um ow?" "How dare you! If there's one thing you never say to a girl, it's telling her she's fat!" You pouted and started crying like a little girl. "I would storm off but I'm guess I'm too fat to even get up!" "Baby, I wasn't calling you fat!" "Yes you were! You said I'd grown!" "Yeah. Your belly, you're pregnant. You're meant to grow. I'd expect your belly to be huge since your 8 months in. You're carrying a little human. Our little human. Your belly is meant to get big." Hi placed his hands on your swollen stomach and kissed it. "And soon, they'll be out and we'll have a kid. Exciting isn't it?" You smiled and nodded.

"Sorry. I over reacted." "Honey, your hormones are all over the place when your pregnant. You don't have to apologise." "I love you." "I love you too."

He sat next to you and you cuddled up as best as you could. "For someone carrying a baby, you sure as hell have a strong hit." He said whilst rubbing his arm where you hit him. "Sorry." You smiled.

You sat with Joe next to you whilst your friends sat opposite you at the table. Joe had been a little, well, horny today and was currently holding your thigh.

You chose to ignore it at first but that got harder to do when his hand was traveling up it. You pushed his hand off, still looking at your friends. He smirked at you and did it again, and again, you pushed him off.

Your friends went into the other room and you turned to Joe and hit him softly over and over again. "Ow. Ow. Okay. I'll save it till later." He giggled. "There will be no later! You don't deserve it." Joe looked mortified and pouted. He moved closer to you and rested his head on your shoulder whilst looking at you with puppy dog eyes. "I'm really sorry baby." "Not happening Joe."

He pouted even more and started leaving small sweet kisses on your neck. You hit his leg again and he backed away. Your friends came back in and you told them you had to go.

When you were in the car you ignored him and if he tried to touch you you'd hit him. But when you got home, that was a whole other story.

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