Pete imagine- I don't care

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That guy. That flipping guy that lived opposite from you. He's been a problem since you moved in. With his stupid comments and stupid smile and stupid music.

He was currently blasting music out of his speakers and its 2 in the morning! You'd had enough so you grabbed your dressing gown and put it on with anger. You marched over to his door and banged on it constantly until he opened it. "Hey (Y/N)!" "Don't 'hey (Y/N)' me!" "Why? Do you want me to call you something else?" There it was. His stupid smirk and clever comments. "Turn your music down! Or even better, off!" "Why?" "Because it fricking 2 a.m!" "And if I don't?" "Pete. You are an annoying, arrogant little sod and if you don't turn that music off I swear to Zeuz I will strangle you with your own aux chord!"

Pete stared at you in fear and amazement. "You're pretty hot when you mad (L/N)." You scoffed and pushed passed him into his home. You grabbed the aux chord and unplugged his phone from it. "If I hear your music that loud again, I'll kick you where the sun don't shine." "I think you mean 'doesn't. And fine. On one condition, I get to take you out." "What?" "I won't play it that loud if you let me take you on a date. If you don't agree I'll just play it loud, all. Night. Long."

You stood with anger coursing through you. "I'm pretty sure that's blackmail but fine!" "Great! I'll pick you up at 8 P.M!" He quickly kissed your cheek and you walked away with a smile surprisingly finding its way to your face. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

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