Patrick imagine- Snow falls (part 9)

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You hummed as you swept the floor. Your dress swaying along with you as you danced through the house, cleaning it at the same time.

"(Y/N)?" You heard. You turned and found Gerard standing there, staring at you like you'd just bathed in cows blood. "What?" "What are you doing?" "Cleaning." You chimed. He huffed and walked over to you. Surprisingly, he put a hand on your shoulder and looked into your eyes. "Sister, I know you miss him. It's been a month. Why won't you let us help you?" "You could get hurt. I'm just trying to think of a plan." "We've already got one. Please. We want to help." You knew this was true if the grumpiest person in the group was saying this. You nodded and he took you into the other room where the others were seated.

------(three hours later. It's dark outside btw)---------------

"You ready?" Dallon asked a bit too excitedly. Everyone shushed him and he giggled a little. "Okay. Remember the plan?" You whispered. They all nodded and you proceeded to carry on.

You all snook into the castle, a different hidden door way then before. Having lived there nearly all your life, you knew the castle inside out. You all scurried in and sneaked a peek in every cell in hope of finding the four men you were looking for.

You all split up and looked in separate places. You looked in the last cell of the corridor and fortunately found someone with there hands tied above their head. Patrick. You forcefully opened the door and ran to him, cupping his cheeks in your hands. He was dazed and could barely speak. What did Courtney do to him?

"(Y/N)." "Yeah, it's me. I'm here." He opened his eyes even more and looked into yours. "You need to go. It's not safe." "No. I came to save you. So that's what I'm gonna do." You cut him down and he looked at you panicked. He got up and backed away from you. "Patrick?" "Please. Don't come any closer. Just know that I care about you. A lot. I would never hurt you intentionally. Please just go." You started to feel scared by what he was saying but ignored the fear.

You walked closer to him and as you did, the 8 guys came back with the other three. You were inches away from  Patrick, and you suddenly noticed his left hand. Well, left hook. He had a hook attached to his wrist where his hand used to be. "Patrick? What happened to your hand?" He looked down at it and then back to you. "They cut it off." He whispered.

You tried to get closer but you were interrupted by Joe pulling you back. "(Y/N). You can't get too close to him." "W-why? What's going on?" You soon found out when music started playing from afar. Patrick's eyes changed from his beautiful greeny blue to bright goldy yellow. His face darkened and he walked towards you. His hook lifted up and if Joe hadn't pulled you away and ran, you would have been impaled.

You all ran down the hall and out the door until you were in the woods. You frantically raced away from Patrick. You had lost him and you all stood and panted for a while. "What the-" "they put a spell on him. When ever he hears music, he turns into a lean mean killing machine. No matter who it is." Pete explained.

You were all about to start walking when three arrows shot from out of the trees. Then three guards merged from those trees and aimed the arrows again.  "God, we cannot catch a break." Gerard mumbled. You ran and ran and ran until you made it to the cottage. All 11  people present. Wait that's not right, there should be 12. "Guys, where's frank?" You questioned. Ryan's face turned towards the floor. "He was hit." He choked. Everyone's eyes filled with tears but no one would let them fall. All except Pete, Joe and Andy because they had never met him.

"We should all get some rest. We've got some work to do." You grumbled. Everyone agreed and you showed the guys to your room. It was the biggest so they would stay there with you.

You tried to sleep. You tried everything. But nothing would erase the image of Patrick almost stabbing you earlier. How did this happen? It's like he turned into a heartless creature that has no memory of anyone. Now there's no hope for you and him. Where does this leave you and him?

And what did he mean by he cares about you? And he'd never hurt you intentionally? Maybe he can't control what's going on. "Please be okay Patrick." You whispered as you starred at your ceiling.

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