Andy imagine- Shopping

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You and your husband went(z) shopping because you are both lazy and forgot to get more food. Once you finished you both unpacked the car and put the food away.

"What do you wanna do now?" Andy asked turning towards you after admiring the stocked fridge. "Mall?" "Mall." "Mall. Okay let's go."

You drove to the mall (I love that word.) and you ran straight to hot topic. After buying, like, five thousand band merch tops, you and Andy mooched round the shops.

An idea planted in your brain and you scurried to a shop that you didn't even bother to read the name of. Andy ran shortly behind you and when he got to you he looked confused. "Why here?" "Cause." "Cause what?" "Just cause." He smiled at you and then kissed your cheek before walking away to look around the shop.

After the two of you had awkwardly walked around the shop, your eyes set on a very weird looking bra. You picked it up and looked at it in more detail. It had pink hand prints on the front with a blue background. The hooks were actually buttons and not to mention, they sagged. A lot.

You looked for Andy and waved at him to get his attention. When he finally saw you he saw the look on your face (like the one in the media thingy) and burst out laughing. He walked over, still laughing, and wrapped a hand around your waist. "Andy, you said you needed a new bra." "Sorry babe. This ones too small for me." You both laughed even more and put the bra back before leaving the store and going home.

(A/N) I don't know what I just wrote. This did actually happen to me and my friend but instead of a bra, it was a Cookie Monster thong and it ended up as her wearing it as a hat. So yeah
Later skater🤖

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