Pete imagine- A torch (part 2)

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(A/N) Trigger warning. If you are triggered by anything like self harm or mentions of suicide please don't read, Just skip this one.

Third person POV
(Y/N) sat in her room as Pete drove away. She loved him with all her heart and now he's left.

Thoughts leaked into her mind as her demon came back to her. This demon was all the negative things that she thought about herself. This demon would tell her she's worthless and that she shouldn't live. Pete was the only reason that it wasn't around. Nows he's gone and this demon sees her vulnerability and attacks. He climbed into her head.
You're worthless.
''Stop' she thought.
No wonder he left you. You should just kill yourself.
No one will miss you. Just do it!
She couldn't take it anymore so she walked into her bathroom. She searched all over for the things she couldn't bare to leave, even though it caused her pain. A bit like Pete. She picked up the razor and placed the cold metal to her wrist. Pete could be easily replaced with a piece of metal but the replacement wouldn't take the pain away.

She slid the razor across her wrist with ease as blood trickled from her new wounds. She just stared at it. She didn't even cry anymore. She just looked at the wound.

It didn't hurt anymore. She was numb. She understood that without Pete she was numb. So what was the point in staying if she wouldn't be able to feel anything?

Meanwhile, Pete sat in Patrick's spare room. He cradled the beer bottle in his hands and was lost in thought. He'd just left her there. All alone. He did the one thing he promised he'd never do to her. He looked out the window as his thoughts raced. "I could just end it. I wouldn't be any trouble to anyone anymore. I'll take the grave." He whispered to himself. He wrote a note:

Dear (Y/N).
I'm sorry I caused you so much pain. I love you so much that I can't even look at myself with out feeling disgusted in myself. I did something I said I'd never do.

I can't live like this. I can't live with out you. So I'm not going to. I love you. Just remember that.

Love Pete xx

He got up and walked to the door. Ready to leave the note at your house and then he'll do it. He'll leave this world.

(A/N) sorry it's so sad. Next part is better, trust me. Okay.

Thank you for reading. Loves you.
Stay sassy💁🏻

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