Chapter 62 - It's Party Time!

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*Liam's POV*

We finished shopping and came back home. Niall told me that he'll make the arrangements for the bachelor's party. 

"Dude, thank you so much, it's because of you that my time got saved, I'll give this to Grandpops and come", says Niall.
" Wait!", I say.

"I've to tell Vida about the party, please?", I ask.
" Liam! Are you out of your mind, she'll never let you throw a party", says Niall.
"I know!", I say.

" Now zip your mouth and go inside your room", says Niall.
"Fine!", I say.

I open the door and find Vida lying on the bed with her legs wide open.
" What happened? ", I ask.

"My Mom made me try so many dresses, that I lost all the energy in my body", she says.
I chuckle and put the tuxedo on the table. Vida suddenly gets up and comes to me and says, " let me see"
"No! It's a surprise, especially for you", I say.
" Why?", she asks.

"Because you are the bride", I say.
" I don't care! I want to see", she says.
"No!", I say.

" Fine! Let's flip the coin", says Vida removing a coin from her pocket.
"Fine!", I say.
Vida flips the coin. 

" Heads!", I say.
The coin falls on the floor. Heads.
"Yes!", I say.

" You know, I read this theory called fiancé theory in which when two engaged people flip a coin and when we flip the coin and heads comes, it will mean the opposite ", says Vida.
" Really? And where did you read this theory?", I ask.
"Vida's encyclopaedia", says Vida.
"I don't believe in it", I say smiling and picking the coin from the floor.

"Fine! ", says Vida.
She goes and falls on the bed.

" So, did you decide who's going to be your maid of honour? ", I ask.
" Did you decide who's your best man?", asks Vida.
"No!", I say.

" Then don't ask me such questions", says Vida.
"I'm sure there will be a big world war", says Vida.
" Yeah!", I say.

"I can't believe that we're getting married", I say.
" Me too! ", says Vida.
" God! I feel like saying finally, we're getting married ", I say sitting on the bed. 

She gets up, turns towards me.
" What if, our relationship changes?", asks Vida.
"Nothing will happen, I mean, we'll figure it out", I say.
" Yeah!", says Vida.
"Why do you think our relationship will change?", I ask.
" Because I've seen many relationships change, Liam!", says Vida.

"My mom and dad", she says.
" Their relationship changed and even Niall's mom and dad", she says.
" Mr and Mrs Horan?", I ask.
"Yeah! They were college friends", says Vida.

" You see now, what happened to their relationship ", says Vida.
"Nothing will happen to ours. We are not your parents or Niall's parents", I say. 

"Relationships change over some time, but we'll grow with it, right?", I say. 

She nods. I kiss her on her forehead. 

"Don't think so much", I say.

*Ritu's POV*

" Ric! Listen to me, please! ", I say.
" Ritu, I don't want an answer from you, it'll be a no anyway", says Ric.

"Ric! But just listen to me, we have to talk, I've been waiting for you", I say.
" Nice! Then keep waiting because I'm not interested to listen to you", says Ric.

"I have a different answer this time," I say.
"Ok! Tell! What is it?", he asks.
" Ah! It's that I've might feelings for you", I say.
"Might?", asks Ric.
" Yeah! ", I say.

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