Chapter 1: Ever After!

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Raven's POV:
     I was at lunch and I was eating a hamburger, it is really good. Ginger walked over and sat next to me. "What's up Raven bird?" Ginger asked and I giggled. "Just eating. How about you Ginger cookie?" I asked and Ginger giggled. "Nothing." She replied and I nodded. I finished my food and drink right as the bell rang. I sighed and Ginger laughed at me. "Hi!" Apple exclaimed as she walked over. I sighed again. I threw my stuff away and put on a fake smile. "Hi, Apple." I greeted. "Hey." Ginger greeted. "Ready for Princessology?" Apple asked. "Not really." I replied. That class is easy but it's full of prissy princesses. The only person who would be in that class and feel the same way I do doesn't even go to this school. The daughter of the queen of hearts. She lives in Wonderland. I haven't met her, I don't even know her name. But there has to be a princess of hearts, right? I've always wanted to visit Wonderland and to meet real Wonderlandians. "But it's easy." Apple stated. "I know but I still don't like it much." I stated. "It's fun! It's my favorite class!" Apple exclaimed. "My favorite is cooking." Ginger stated and I laughed. "Mine is Spells, hexes, and general witchery." I stated. "Well, lets go so we're not late." Apple stated. She grabbed me by the arm and we started running. I waved at Ginger and she waved back. We got to Princessology and I sighed.

Apple's POV:
    The final bell rung and it was the end of school. I walked into the hallway and saw Daring by his locker. I smiled and walked over to him. "Hi, Daring!" I exclaimed and he smiled. "Hi.... Apple." Daring greeted. "Are we still going out tonight?" I asked. "Anything for my fair maiden." Daring stated and I smiled. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then walked off. I went outside to enjoy the air and then animals swarmed me and I sang to them. Then I walked off to help anyone who needs it.

Daring's POV:
      I let out a sigh of relief when Apple walked away. I'm destined to marry Apple and I was always okay with it. But now I'm 16. I see these people finding love. Like Ashlynn and Hunter. Dexter is in love with Raven and I think Raven likes him back. Everyone is willing to not follow their destiny for love, I want to know that feeling. But I don't want to disappoint anyone, especially my family. So I hope I never find someone I'm in love with, that way my choice is easy. I'll save and marry Apple and be king. End of my story. Or is it? I don't know anymore. I'm not what everyone thinks. They say I'm conceited and self centered. But I act that way in front of people so they think I'm ready to follow my father's footsteps. But I'm not ready, and I ding know if I even want to. Just don't fall in love and it won't be a problem. That's what I keep telling myself at least. Ugh! I can't trust anyone to show them my real self. Not even my brother, sister, parents, Apple, or my friends. Not royals or even Rebels. I have so much stress on me. No one has as much stress as me. I have to live up to my father. My life is so stressful, sometimes I just want to releave my stress.

Dexter's POV:
        I watched Raven and how pretty she is. I just want to ask her out already. Ugh! What's wrong with me? I should ask Cupid for help, she is the best after all.
       I walked over to her and she was at her locker, but she didn't notice me. "Hey, Cupid." I greeted and she shut her locker door and gasped. "Hi, Dex." Cupid greeted and I smiled. "Could I ask you for help?" I asked. "Of course!" Cupid replied. "You know my crush on Raven?" I asked and she sighed. "Yeah." Cupid replied. If I didn't know better I would say she was disappointed. "I wanted to ask her out but I'm, I'm afraid." I admitted. Cupid sighed. "She really likes you, I know she does. Just ask her out and don't be so nervous and afraid. Just be you, and everything will go perfect." Cupid explained and I smiled. "Thank you so much Cupid!" I exclaimed. I kissed her on the cheek and ran off.

Cupid's POV:
      Oh my gosh! He kissed me on the cheek! He is so amazing and perfect, but he likes Raven and she likes him back. Why does he like her and not me? What does she have that I don't? Raven is a great girl and all, but it makes me sad that he likes her and not me. Ugh! I guess this happens when your a matchmaker.

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