The brunette had a chiseled jaw and a bit too much makeup

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The brunette had a chiseled jaw and a bit too much makeup.
Lyra smiled as this girl asked who she was here for.
"Pourquoi?" Lyra asked. (Why?)
"Who is that?" The girl asked. Lyra smiled politely, 'didn't she know any French or is she trying to be funny?' Lyra knew some French before Larry so she never asked him to teach her, maybe he doesn't teach anyone.
After 5 minutes, Laurent and Larry made their way to VIP. Laurent's face lit up seeing Lyra and hugged her tightly, before looking for a place for them to sit.
The brunette stayed seated as Laurent walked passed her like she was part of the furniture but stood up when Larry stood in front of them. He stepped around the brunette, pulling Lyra into a hug.
Laurent then pulled Lyra after him as he moved to their seat and the brunette followed Larry. Laurent sat on a couch barely big enough for three as Larry helped Lyra with her jacket.
He was making a show of running his hands across and pressing his lips against Lyra's exposed skin as he removed her jacket. Laurent smirked at the brunette's upset face when Larry told her to move so he and Lyra can sit down.
Laurent and Larry squeezed Lyra between them. The brunette tried to sit on the edge beside Larry but fell off. Larry pulled Lyra closer to him placing his arms around her and ignoring the brunette on the ground.
The brunette finally pulled a chair beside the couch to sit beside Larry.
"Comment vous appelez-vous?"
(What's your name?) Lyra asked the girl.
"Anna." Laurent sneered in Lyra's ear then made an ugly face.
"If neither of you like her why is she here?" Lyra whispered to Laurent, who was already irritated the brunette kept pulling Larry's arm.
"Stop!" Larry yelled at the girl while yanking his arm away.
"She follow us even after I tell her to leave us alone." Laurent hissed in Lyra's ear.
"She doesn't listen to you?" Lyra whispered in shock to Laurent he shook his head no. "Have security toss her?" Lyra suggested while Larry threaded his finger through Lyra's.
"She just come back." Larry replied then pointed something out to Laurent. Lyra sipped her soda while listening to the brothers talk in French. She tried to keep her laughter to herself but the brothers were merciless when it came to jokes. She almost choked more than once.
"Look." Laurent drew Lyra's attention to the brunette still trying to get Larry to pay her attention.
"Stop touching me!" Larry warned the girl. "Move away!"
"Seems like he's handling it." Lyra replied to Laurent in French.
"Please make her leave, for me?" Larry asked in French while nibbling Lyra's ear.
"Why would I do that? I do not even like you." Lyra answered in French with a wide smile then laughed. Larry smiled. Laurent started rubbing his hair against one side while Larry rubbed his hair against her other.
"STOP," She laughed pushing there heads away, "Okay, I'll do it." Lyra leaned across Larry's lap and tapped the girl's leg. "Danse?" Lyra asked standing up.
Anna stared at Lyra but didn't move. Lyra laughed and enthusiastically pulled her to the dance floor. Larry and Laurent switched places so Laurent could put his right leg up in the armless chair Anna vacated.

As they danced, Anna smiled while making ugly comments about Lyra. Lyra smile while Anna said things like 'nasty whore trying to steal her man', 'Laurent's cast off', and 'gold digger in a cheap dress'. However Lyra clinched her fist when Anna said she should beat Lyra like a drum. Lyra thought about it then pulled Anna with her to the restroom. When Lyra looked back at her, Anna was still staring daggers at her.
"Avez-vous un problème?" (Do you have a problem?) Lyra asked when they were in the bathroom.
"Problem? Yes you are my problem. You French slut! Trying to get your hooks in my man is definitely a problem!" Anna answered.
Lyra laughed still watching Anna in the mirror. Anna launched herself at Lyra then yanked a handful of Lyra's hair. Lyra elbowed Anna in her stomach. She grabbed Anna by the throat forcing her backwards into the wheelchair stall. She started choking Anna with all her strength. It wasn't until the door opened that Lyra tried to calm herself.
"I'm not French. I stupidly thought you spoke it as well since you say Larry is your man." Lyra turned to glare at a girl holding the stall door open, the girl quickly closed the door.
"Since you don't seem to understand let me explain, I was willing to let you stay and be a nuisance. I was fine with you talking all the noise you wanted until you felt better about yourself or were blue in the face, whichever came first."
Lyra smoothed hair out of Anna's face. Anna's bulging eyes showed Lyra her grip may be too tight.
"That was until you decided to put your hands on me. So let me make this very clear." Lyra threaded her fingers into the front of Anna's weave then loosened her grip on Anna's throat.
"I don't fight over men as a general rule. There are too many of them out there in the world. With that said,"
Lyra bounced the back of Anna's head into the concrete wall twice then punched her in her solar plexus. She let Anna fall to the floor gasping for air. "Trying to hurt another woman, over a man? It's shameful and you should carry yourself with more respect. I don't harbor any hard feelings towards you and hopefully you feel the same." Lyra said as she walked out the stall, washed and dried her hands then smoothed her hair back into place while Anna leaned over the toilet throwing up. "I will see you back upstairs," she said calmly before walking out the bathroom.

Lyra sat between Larry and Laurent. "Where you two go?" Laurent asked as Larry moved his arms back around her.
"We were in the ladies." Lyra responded as Larry's face move to her neck. Larry pulled Lyra's back to his chest.
"Where is she?" Laurent asked.
"Still in there she got sick." Lyra answered.
After ten minutes she spotted Anna making her way through the crowd. "Oh good, she's feeling better," Lyra stood as Anna made her way back to VIP.
Anna's face reddened and she avoided eye contact with Lyra, while Lyra smiled warmly at Anna. Laurent stretched his legs to take up more space as his brother did the same. "Please allow me." Lyra said loudly to the brunette standing in front them. Anna glanced at Larry but didn't say anything.
Lyra pulled Anna's jacket from behind Laurent and held it for Anna to put on while whispering in her ear.
"Larry doesn't care about you, look at how he treats and allows others to treat you. Maybe it's time you found someone else that will treat you like a queen?" Lyra smoothed Anna's jacket collar but the daggers were back in Anna's eyes. Lyra placed Anna's purse on her shoulder then whispered as she hugged her. "Make no mistake, I went easy on you before. Try me here and it will look like a Kill Bill movie in this bitch and neither of them would mourn you. Take my advice, find someone who will love you without reason and tirelessly chase after you, not the other way around." Lyra smiled warmly while she smoothed Anna's hair back into place then gently caressed her cheek placing a soft kiss on her forehead. Anna stared speechlessly into Lyra's eyes then nodded and left VIP.
Lyra heard a boisterous noise behind her but ignored the brothers. Lyra ordered a ginger ale with cherries over crushed ice and sat down.
"You really like those?" Larry asked.
"No caffeine, no alcohol, and yes I like the taste." Lyra replied sitting back.
"What you do to her?" Laurent asked as she swatted Larry's hand away when he tried to sip her drink too.
"Get your own." She hissed at Larry, receiving a pout from him. Lyra answered honestly,
"We talked."
"What you do to her in the bathroom?" Laurent asked not believing her answer.
Lyra leaned to whisper in Laurent's ear, "I made her cum until her stomach hurt." She leaned back against Larry then nodded her head slightly with a hint of a smirk. Laurent eyes widened then after he studied her face for a few minutes she lifted an eyebrow challenging him to doubt her.
While Laurent was trying to figure out if she was lying, Larry was trying to catch on to the conversation. Suddenly Laurent started laughing.
"No." Laurent challenged. "I think you scare her away."
"Am I scary?" Lyra pouted looking at Larry.
"No." Larry replied kissing her neck.
"What you do?" Larry finally asked.
"Nothing I'm going to repeat. This is the last time I do anything like that for you. I am not here to control your harem." Lyra looked into his eyes.
"Okay ma petite amie." Larry kissed her softly. "I do it for you."
"Do it for yourself." Lyra finished her drink then grabbed her jacket.
"Where you go?" Larry asked as Lyra put on her jacket.
"You invited me to get rid of her, she's gone. I'm going home, I'm tired." Lyra smiled winking at Laurent and started walking away.
"You just leave me here alone?" Larry asked as he pulled her back to him.
"You have your baby, right there." Lyra looked at Laurent, who flashed a smile and nodded. "See you'll be fine." Lyra kissed Larry's cheek, "have fun."
"Wait, I come over later?" Larry asked holding on to her hand.
"Sorry I think I sprained my hand handling your friend." Lyra replied as she left. Laurent almost choked on his beverage when she said that. Larry glared at him trying to figure out what happened.
A/N: Okay Lyra may be a little crazy but at least she amuses Laurent. You think he's going to tell Larry what she said she did?
Thanks for reading.

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