Chapter 60

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Louis POV

Today was the day. It came by so much faster than I thought it would. It felt like just a few weeks ago I had walked into that camp thinking how terrible my parents were for sending me here and how being at the stupid camp wouldn't do anything for me. But it had. It gave me a caring and understanding man who in just a few minutes, was going to be mine. 

I was sitting in the guest room in Anne's house waiting to be called out. Just to think that on the other side of the wall was my soon to be husband, probably as nervous as could be while his mom and his sister were helping him with his suit. The door opened slightly and Lottie came into veiw, holding Noah in her arms. "Someone wanted to see his daddy."

I smiled and stood from my seat with a smile and walked toward my baby boy. "Well doesn't someone look so handsome." I said taking him away from my sisters arms. "Thank you for coming Lottie."

"Of course. You're my older brother. There was no way I was going to miss your wedding."

"I know but you didn't need to come."

"Yes I did. I would look so bad if I didn't."

"Why am I not surprised that's why you actually came?"

"But in all seriousness, I'm really happy for you Lou. If anyone deserves to get married it's you. You've dealt with so much growing up, from dealing with us to going up against mom."

"I'm just glad that she finally warmed up to the idea of me being gay." She smiled warmly at me when we heard music start to come from the backyard. "That must be my cue."

 I walked out the door with Noah in my arms and went into the backyard which started to get crowded with people. All of our closest friends and family. I walked around and greeted all the aunts and uncles, shook hands with the family I yet had to meet, and caught up with all of our friends. All of a sudden the music stopped and everyone quieted down, meaning that the ceremony was about to start. I took my place in front as everyone started taking their seats. The music started playing and I looked towards the house and watched as Amelia and Chelsea started walking down the aisle arm in arm. Then it was Nolan and Fizzy, Christian and Phoebe, Gemma and Lottie, and finally Harry. He was dress in a dark suit while his mother held his arm. Tears were brimming in his eyes and his smile shines brighter than I had ever seen it shine. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked behind me to see Lottie smiling at me. I smiled back at her and turned back to see Harry right in front of me. I held my hand out for him and he slid his warm hands into mine. We stood face to face, our eyes never leaving the others gaze. The pastor started speaking about the holiness of marriage and how it was destiny that we ended with each other. And it really was destiny that we ended up together. If it weren't for our parents sending us to camp and having them stupidly put us in the same room, I would've never looked in the brown suitcase that was in front of me. Then I wouldn't have been greeted by a half naked man with gorgeous green eyes. And if I had never seen those beautiful eyes, I wouldn't be standing here now. About to marry the love of my life. I was knocked out of my daze when Harry looked away from me and to the pastor. "The couple have prepared their own vows that they would like to share."

I looked at Harry and watched as he took out a slip of paper from his pocket. "Louis, the words a can use to describe you are nonexistent. The words that we have now can't even to begin to express the true you. You're talented, beautiful, funny, extraordinary, and that's just the start. I am so truly, madly, deeply in love with you and I only want you to spend the rest of my life with."

Tears started brimming my eyes and I watch tears slip down his cheeks. I took my thumb and wiped them away. I put away his slip of paper. "So I um, I don't have a slip of paper to read off of because I don't listen and didn't write my vows in advance. So time for a little improv." Everyone started laughing and I chuckled to myself. "Harry, you are so many things to me. Not just are you my fiance, you're my best friend. You're the one I go to for everything and you always know how to help me. You've given me so much in this life and I can't stand not being with you. That's why I asked you to join me up here in the first place. In all honesty Harry I have no idea where I would be if I never found you. But all I know is that now that I'm here, I'm never leaving. I swear on my life that I'm never ever going to leave you."

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