Chapter 56

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Louis POV

"Louis can we please pull over? I have to pee so bad!"

"Why didn't you pee the last time we pulled over?"

"That was an hour ago and I've had three bottles of water since then."

"Oh my god Harry you cry more than Noah. He hasn't made a peep since we started driving."

"He's been sleeping the whole time."

"God you're such a baby."

"Please Louis!"

"Okay okay fine. But you have to pee on the side of the road." I pulled the car off to the side of the road and Harry quickly got out of the car and ran behind a bush and started to do his business. I smiled to myself while looking in my mirror to see if anyone was coming behind us. I heard the car door open and Harry sat back in his seat with a relieved look on his face and he smirked at me. "Feel better?"

"So much. Thank you darling." 

"Uh huh. Welcome." I pulled back onto the road and continued our journey. We drove for a little while in pleasant silence. Noah was in the backseat sleeping in his car seat and Harry was next to me reading a book. I would look over every once and while and see Harry with his tongue hanging out as his eyes skimmed over the words as he was getting into his book. I smiled to myself and looked back to the road expecting our silence. "Thank you Louis."


"Thank you for taking me to Holmes Chapel."

"Of course sweetheart. I know how much it means to you."

"Yeah but I know it must be hard for you considering that you've had to deal with depressed me the past few weeks and this may start it up all over again."

"But I can't just deep you away from your mom Harry. Especially since she needs as much support as possible."

"Yeah. I just wanted to say thank you. It means a lot to me."

"Anytime sweetheart. I just want what's best for you." He smiled at me and put his hand on mine while going back to his book with a small smile on his face.

"Oh Louis let me help you with that."

"No Anne it's fine I got it."

"Are you sure? I can help. I may be dying but I'm still as strong as ever." Thank god Harry was inside changing Noah. "Sorry, too much?"

"No you're fine. I understand that joking helps with the grieving but, it may be a little harder on Harry. He's been kind of a mess since he found out."

"I was worried about that. He's always been sensitive about issues like this."

"Yeah so if we could not talk about it as much that'd be great. I just don't want him to get upset again."

"Totally understand. And don't worry that won't be a problem."

I smiled at her and grabbed mine and Harrys bag from the trunk. "If you really want to help I think Harry left one of Noahs diaper bags in the back seat so if you could just grab that real quick."

"No problem."

I started walking toward the house and kicked the door open, eager to put the bags down. "Harry?"

"Coming!" Before I could say another word Harry came out of the hallway holding a happy Noah. "He found his toy bag while I was getting us set up in the guest room."

Salvation- Larry Stylinson AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora