Chapter 5

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Louis POV

Harry and I were both walking out of the main building leaving breakfast on our way to building B for orientation. Breakfast was an absolute hell. It was the most awkward think I have ever done in my entire life. Have you ever met someone new and you didn't want to eat to much and make them think that you were a fat ass by going back for seconds? Well take that and times it by 100. They tried to make it a nice welcome breakfast by setting out a huge buffet and making the tables look nice. But people were either trying to impress someone else or everyone in the whole room felt awkward as fuck because we all know that later on in the day these same people were going to tell us that we were freaks of nature and we were unnatural. And the fact that they made us say prayer before we ate made it even worse. 

"I think we turn left here."

"No we go right."

"No because look at the sign. B building left."

"But he said after the third building on the right."

"Louis we're going left."

"No. We're going right."

"Do you two need help?" 
We turn around and look at a girl with a map in her hands with a cocked eyebrow. "Uh yeah we're trying to find building B for orientation."

"Well I'm going there too so we can all just find it together." She said smiling at us.

"Thank you so much. I'm Harry and this is Louis." Harry said pointing at me behind his shoulder.

"Nice to meet both of you. I'm Chelsea."

"So why don't we try and make our way to orientation shall we?"

"Sounds great. So it looks like on this map in order to get to building B we need to go left here." Chelsea said looking up from her map.

"Hah! See I told you!" Harry said pointing his finger in the middle of my chest.

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever." I said rolling my eyes.

"You know you two fight just like a couple. It's hilarious." Harry and I look at each other and give awkward smiles toward Chelsea. "Ohhhh I see. Don't worry. I won't tell anybody."

"Thank you so much. We're still trying it out."

"Oh trust me. I know all about how that works. You two are cute together too."

I look up at Harry as he looks down at me and we smile at each other. "Thank you." We say together.

"Okay boys time to stop being romantic and lovey dovey, because we're here."

"Oh boy." I saw with as much sarcasm as I can muster. 

We walk into building B and look around for three empty seats all next to each other. 

"Oh how about these?" I saw walking to a group of seats near the back of the auditorium. 

"Good eye Louis." Chelsea said taking a seat. Harry sits beside Chelsea and I take my seat next to Harry. Everybody around us was talking about different topics for a few minutes before a man in about his mid fifties took stand at the podium in front of anyone. "Excuse me. Excuse me everyone. May I now have your attention please." Everyone quieted down and looked at the man in the front. "Thank you. Now as you all know, all of you are here to be cleansed of any impure or strong feelings toward the same sex. Now we all now that young men and women your ages tend to lose sight of what is wrong and right. But that is what we are here for. To try and remind you all what is truly right, and that is for a man to be with a woman. So to try and break down what we are going to try and do with our program we have prepared a small video showing you all step by step what we will do to correct these feelings." The man moved to the side of the stage as a big white screen came down from the ceiling. The lights go off and a projector starts showing a video starting with two boys holding hands in a park and looking as happy as can be. Then it shows their families crying how their sons loving another boy is hurting them. I turn and look at Harry whose eyes were glued to the screen, tears welled in his eyes. I put my hand on his knee which brings his attention to me. "It's okay. Remember your happiness is all that matters." I whisper to him. He looks back at me and nods his head. He takes my hand off his knee and takes it in his own, intertwining our fingers. I run my thumb over the top of his hand trying to help him calm down as we continue to look at the images on the screen. When the video finally ended I thought I was going to be sick to my stomach. Not only because the images that they just showed us were so infuriating and wrong, but because the whole time Harry had been shaking trying to hold back his tears. 

The lights turned back on which meant I had to let go of Harrys hand to avoid getting caught by all these homophobic assholes. But I still kept a finger or two on his thigh letting know that I was still trying to comfort him. The man came back up to the front of the stage and just seeing him made my blood boil. "Now I know that may have been hard for some of you to watch, but you all needed to know the truth. When you all choose to love someone of the same sex, it hurts everyone around you. Whether it's your family or a total stranger, they must be force to look at the continuous sin of you loving someone of the same sex. So we are here to help. Stopping every ones suffering by taking you all individually to try and rid of this evil that lays inside every single one of you. So, starting tomorrow we will be having classes and seminars to try and teach you the proper ways of life and to rid you all of your evil within. You have all received your schedules and all classes start at 9:00 AM in your set building. Thank you all for attending orientation, you are dismissed." Everybody stood from their chairs and started making their way out of the building some with tears running out of their eyes. And one of them being Harry.

"I can't believe they made us watch that! What the fuck do they think they are!? Do they even take into consideration how that video can make someone feel after watching it! How dare they!" Harry and I were back in our room together, Harry sitting on his bed trying to muffle his cries into his pillow while I paced the room ranting about what had just happened. "I just, I can't believe they had the nerve that it hurts everyone we associate with. Most people don't even give a shit."


I turn over and look at Harry and his big puffy eyes and runny nose and my heart breaks. "Yeah Hazza baby? What is it?"

"I-I-I wanna take a nap."

"Okay love, would you like me to leave you be or?"

He shook his head no and looked up at me with pleading eyes. He needed me. And thank god I was there when he did. I walked over to his bed as he took the pillow away from his face, wiping away the tears on his cheeks. "Do you maybe want to change into more comfier cloths first baby?"

He nodded his head yes and slowly stood up from his bed and unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down his legs revealing his black Calvin Klein boxers. He sat back down on the bed and looked up at me with the most innocent expression I have ever seen in my entire life. "Better?" He nodded his head once more and laid down on his side waiting more me to climb into bed next to him. I moved around to the back of his body and molded myself to how he had situated his body. Before I pulled him in closer to me he turned his head to the side and said, "Louis, would you mind taking off your jeans? I don't like the way they rub against my skin."

"Of course darling." I unbuttoned my skinny jeans and peeled them down my legs and throwing them on the floor next to Harrys. I got back into the current position I was in and pulled Harry closer into my chest, our bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. "Is that better?"

"Much. Thank you Louis."

"You're welcome Harry." We laid together on Harrys bed for hours. Harry had fallen asleep long before me which I thought was perfect because then was my chance. My chance to let the once strong man crumble, for not only had the video gotten to Harry, it had gotten to me as well. But I couldn't show that it hurt. I needed to be strong. For him. So once Harry was fast asleep I let it all out. My shoulders shuttered and tears poured hot out of my eyes. But I knew it was okay, because Harry didn't have to see me like this. He didn't know. Or at least that's what I though. For when I was done crying into Harrys back, I felt a hand placed on my forearm. Rubbing it up and down. Comforting me. Because god knows, we both need it. 

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