Chapter 17

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Louis POV

I looked down at the tests that Harry had just handed me and looked at the result they had come up with. I was in complete shock.How the hell could these be positive? If one of the girls had taken one of these tests then I could believe it. Sure I'd be totally concerned about their relationship but Harry took these. It was Harrys pee that the test analyzed and he peed on them using his PENIS! "Okay guys lets not just jump to conclusions. We all know Harry isn't pregnant. I'm sure something just went wrong with the tests. Maybe they were just defective or something."

"But two tests being defective in the same package? It's possible but very very very unlikely."

"Then maybe Harry has some weird kind of chemical imbalance or something."

"Maybe. But what chemicals could it be that would make pregnancy tests come out positive?"

"I have no idea. How about all four of us go to the doctor together and get everything cleared up. I'm sure it's nothing to serious."

"Chelseas right guys. I'm sure nothing is wrong. We got to keep our heads straight. Harry obviously can not be pregnant." I stood up from my seat and gave the tests back to Harry who just looked at me still with a worried look on his face. "I'm sure your fine Hazza. Just a little fluke." He gave me a smile and gripped the plastic sticks in his hands. "WE should probably take these with us to the doctors to show to him so he doesn't think that we're just making it all up."

"That's a great idea. Someone call and see if we can make an appointment for tomorrow. I want this all to be cleared up soon."

"I'm on it." Chelsea walked into the kitchen and dialed a number to try and book us an appointment tomorrow mornings. 

"I'm sure we're fine Hazza. The doctor will tell us everything is okay and that we'll be free to go on our way."

"I hope so."

We had gone back to our hotel after Chelsea had made an appointment for ten o' clock tomorrow morning. "Double check that you set the alarm for 8:30 Lou. I don't want to be late."

"I did. And I made sure that Amelia and Chelsea knew to meet us here."

"Okay. Is it weird that I'm terrified."
"No I am too. But there's no reason to be. I'm sure it was just a weird chemical thing. Probably from those jalapeno poppers."
"Damn Americans. But you got to give it to them, they really know how to use a deep fryer."

"That they do Styles. That they do. Now get to bed. We need to wake up early in the morning."

"Okay. Good night Louis."

"Good night Haz. I love you."

"I love you too Lou."

I closed my eyes and pulled Harry closer to me and within seconds, I was out like a light. I woke up a few hours later to Harrys side of the bed being empty. I sat up and saw the bathroom light was on. I got out of bed and slowly walked to the door and saw Harry on his knees, vomiting into the toilet. "Haz? You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Louis, we can't miss our appointment in the morning."

"I know baby. I know." I said while kneeling down and started rubbing Harrys back while he continued to throw up his meal from earlier today.

"You boys ready to go in?"

"Yeah. We better. Our appointment starts in 15 minutes." We all got out of the car and stated walking towards the entrance of the building. "I'll go check us in. Chelsea what name did you put it under?"

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