Chapter 39

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Louis POV

The house was dark when I first walked in. But how could I expect it to be light. Harry was at his baby class tonight. God I hope he found someone to go with him. Tonight was the night that they were going to make those emergency bag thingys. I snuck my way around the house until I made my way up the stairs as quietly as I could just in case Harry decided not to go. I made it up to our bedroom and slowly opened the door and just as I suspected, it was empty. I let out a breathe and turned on the light so I could go over to our shared closet and see what I was doing. Okay I wanted to look nice for this. I have been gone for a while and I wanted to make it up to Harry. God I swear I have nothing nice to wear. I mostly have sweatpants and black skinny jeans. Harrys the one with all the suits. He even keeps them in their own little plastic bags that they use for wedding dresses. Maybe I can borrow one? No Harrys way bigger than I am I'd just look silly. I guess Harry was right. I'm smol. Okay Louis just improvise you don't have long until Harry gets back from his class. Okay well if I just wear clean cloths that'd be best. Okay I'll just pick the least faded pair of jeans I have and I'll just wear a nice shirt with it. Yeah that'll work. And look here all my shirts are garbage. They either have holes or mystery food stains. God how can Harry live with me. Especially since he does all the laundry. Okay so that's going to be a no for shirts. Maybe a jacket? Lets see what I have here, Adidas, Adidas, food stains, ripped, Adidas, horrid color, Adidas, terri-wait this one isn't that bad. When did I even get this? I think it might have been a gift from someone. Well wherever I got it thank you. Wait I think I have a black button up to go with this. Yeah yeah this will work. Louis Tomlinson you are a genius. "Thank you for going with me to my class Nolan I really appreciate it."

"No problem Harry it was my pleasure."

Shit. Fuck I thought they weren't coming back for a little while longer. Fuck I have to hide. But where? Wait, the closet. I hurriedly grabbed the cloths I had chosen and shoved myself into the closet before running over and turning off the light and stuffing myself into the crowded closet. I heard a few more muffled words from downstairs before I heard the front door close and open and heard heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. God please don't find me please don't find me. "That was a fun class wasn't it baby? We learned a lot of new things." Who the fuck is he talking to? "And I could tell you especially liked it, you were dancing the whole time the music was playing during our game. You're going to be a little music lover aren't you? Just like daddy. Both daddies actually." Is he talking to our baby? And did he say dancing? As in moving? Our baby is moving now? "Okay so I'm going to make us a little something to eat and then we're going to take a nice long bath and then we're going to sleepy. We've both had a very big day." Just as Harry was about to walk out the door there was a loud noise. Wait fuck did I turn my phone off? I scrambled to find my phone until I heard Harry. "Hello? Oh hey Gemma how's it going. It's going pretty good I just got back from my class with Nolan. Yeah it went really well. We made our little bags to take to the hospital with us when we go into labor so that's great. What do you mean? Gemma I told you everything is already planned. I asked the baby if I should do it and it said no, I'm not leaving. It wouldn't be right. I wouldn't want him to worry about me. I know he's left me several times but I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone especially Louis." Wait, Harry was going to leave? "But I still love him Gem and I'm carrying his baby. So what was I going to do then? He'd still want to be part of his kids life and to be honest I don't want our baby to live in a broken home. I know he's hurt me Gemma but if I hurt him back then I'm just as bad. Well it doesn't really matter if you approve now does it? It's my love life and it's between me and Louis and I made up my decision. I'm not leaving Louis. I love him more than anything in this world and nothing is going to change my mind. Louis is worth fighting for." Did he really mean everything? "Come on baby. Lets go get you some food." I heard him walk across the room and I heard the bedroom door open then close. I waited a few seconds before opening the closet door and walking out my cloths in hand. Harry was never going to leave me? He really cared about me and all I've shown him is that I was willing to throw our relationship away. God I was a terrible boyfriend. He deserves so much better. I better take these cloths and leave now. He'll be in the kitchen so he wont see me very well. Okay I got the jeans and the shirt and the-wait, where the fuck is the coat. Shit the coat pulls the whole thing together. I can't come back and get it Harry will be here. Okay I just check and see. He's downstairs getting food so he shouldn't be coming up soon. I turned back towards the closet and got on my knees and started looking for the jacket on the floor where it could've fallen. Okay let's see. God there are so many socks in here. Oh here it is I finally found i- "Louis? Louis is that you?" I stood up and spun around and looked at Harry who was coming out of the bathroom. 

Salvation- Larry Stylinson AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن