Chapter 37

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Louis POV

 I thought this was all behind us. He told me that he would trust me from now on but here he goes yelling at me like always. I didn't want to leave but he needs to know that he can't do that. I've told him that time after time again. But it just won't get through his thick skull. He can't expect me to just forgive him after he hurts me over and over again. He needs to learn. And the only way to make him learn is to teach him his lesson. "What will you be drinking love?"

"Just a whiskey."

"Coming up." I watched as the bartender got my drink ready before I felt a presence beside me. 

"How did I know I could find you in a place like this."

"Go away Gemma I'm not in the mood."

"And you think I am? I've been to four different bars and getting cat called all night trying to look for your ass."

"I'm not going home Gemma."

"And I don't expect you to. But I expect you to listen to me."

"You can't expect anything from me. What makes you think I even would."

"Because I know you want answers for why Harry has bad trust issues. And their answers that I happen to have."

I turned to look at the girl next to me as she raised her eyebrows up. Just like Harry does when he knows he's right about something. "Is there anything I have to do to get the answers?"

"Apologize to Harry."

"I have nothing to apologize for."

"Oh yeah sure you don't. Leaving your pregnant boyfriend home alone with no idea where on Earth you could be definitely isn't sorry worthy." 

"He's the one that doesn't trust me. You don't get it Gem, he never trusts me on anything. He just assumes I'm doing something wrong and he doesn't want me to explain anything."

"It's because he has issues Louis, he always has. And it's not just with you. He's never been able to trust anyone completely. It's just how he is."

"But why?"

"I'm only telling you if you at least think about going back home to Harry and telling him your sorry."

"Fine. You made your way here might as well here what you have to say."

My drink was set in front of me and Gemma put in her order for what she wanted and turned back towards me. "Okay so what I'm about to tell you probably won't make sense because you didn't know the kind of person Harry was when he was younger but it's when everything started getting out of hand. So when Harry was maybe 8 or 9 he came up to me one day and told me that he was having some weird feelings toward a boy at school. And at the time I just brushed it off thinking oh he just doesn't like him. Well that wasn't the case. It was in fact the exact opposite. He actually had a big crush on the boy but Harry being Harry took things slow and waited to see what happened. Well he and the boy got really close and were soon enough best friends and later down the road, boyfriends. Harrys first boyfriend. And he tried his hardest to try and keep him a secret from our parents because he hadn't come out to them yet and wanted to take things slow. So the only time that he would bring him around was when I was watching over them because his boyfriend didn't really understand the situation Harry was in with our parents. So they stayed a secret and their relationship continued and I think they stayed together for about 10 or 11 months and things were getting pretty serious and of course his boyfriend was getting a bit, you know, impatient and wanted Harry to do that with him. But Harry wasn't exactly ready yet but he just kept on persisting over and over again telling Harry everything in the book just to get him into bed with him. But you know Harry, he has his morals and he sticks to them. Well after a few weeks of trying to get Harry into bed, Harry still never budged. So he decided to uh, take matters into his own hands."

I looked at Gemma with a blank expression trying to figure out what she was trying to say. "What do you mean by take matters into his own hands?" She looked at me with sad eyes and looked down at her lap. "Gemma, what did he do to Harry."

She cleared her throat and looked back up at me an quickly wiped under her eyes. "One morning after we had all gotten back from church Harry wanted to go and take a nap in his room for a little while. So he went into his room while our parents went out of the house to go to a late lunch with some friends. I was in my room trying to get some homework done when I heard something fall in Harrys room. At first I figured it was just something that fell off the bed when he turned in bed but maybe ten minutes later I heard something slam against the wall and I knew something was wrong. So I got up and when I went into the room to check on everything I saw Harry naked and on the floor with a piece of take in his mouth with tears down his face. When I ran over to him and asked him what had happened he told me that when he was almost asleep his boyfriend snuck in through the window and Harry just assumed he wanted to spend time with him so he let him into bed. Well not long after his boyfriend had shoved a sock in his mouth and put a piece of duct tape over his lips and tied his hands behind his back. Then he, he-" 

"He what Gemma what did he do?"

"He had his way with him." I looked at her with shock and I didn't know what to do or say. She looked at me and when she say that I didn't have anything else left to say she continued. "So after comforting Harry for the next hour or so out parents came home and found us in a mess on the floor. So when they asked what had happened that's when Harry finally told them that he was bisexual. He told them about the boyfriend and how they had spent a year together and were in love and how he had come in and done the things he had did. He told them everything. And of course, my parents didn't look at the true issue at hand. All they could focus on was they fact that Harry liked guys. And that's all they focused on. So Harrys heart got broken twice that day. His first love betrayed him and did the unthinkable. And when he told two of the few people he could rely on wouldn't help him. So after that day Harry hasn't always been able to trust people to the fullest. I'm the last person he really does trust but anyone new that he meets, he just, he can't trust them. It's more a deep rooted thing rather than a split decision. So that's why Harry is like that. He wants to trust people again Louis he really does, but he just can't. Because the last time he trusted people one of them forced himself on him and his own parents didn't care."

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. There was nothing to could say. So instead of trying to come up with a reasonable answer for all the information Gemma just told me, I stood up from my bar stool, and started walking out of the bar. "Louis? Louis where the hell are you going?" But I didn't answer her. Because to be fully honest, I didn't know either. And I didn't know when I'd come back.

Salvation- Larry Stylinson AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu