Chapter 10

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Harrys POV

When my eyes open the next morning the first thing I see is Louis' closed eyes. We were laying face to face, arms wrapped around each others bodies. My eyes moved all around Louis' face, trying to memorize every part I could. The way his eye lashes would fall delicately on his cheeks while he slept or the way his lips would part slightly when he would take another breathe in. God I loved his lips. They were always a perfect shade of pink and it never matted if they were spreading out into a smile or moving when he would speak, I always have to hold myself back from from kissing them whenever I was around him. But we're alone now. It doesn't matter. Just looking at him now in this sleepy state was driving me crazy. I moved as slowly as I could while in his hold and as careful and slowly as possible, I pressed my lips to his, trying not to wake him. I slowly started to pull my face away from his until I felt a hand on the back of my neck pulling me back of my neck, pulling me back to his lips. I kissed him back immediately and I felt him smile against my lips. It felt as if our kiss lasted an eternity even though it had only been a minute or two. We pulled away breathlessly and looked at each other wit tired eyes but not willing to go back to sleep and miss another second of seeing each others faces. "good morning." I said breaking our silence and looked back into Louis eyes.

"Good morning Hazza. How did you sleep?"

"Amazing. Who knew beds on the floor could be so comfortable."

"Right? We should do this more often."

"A weekly movie night."

"Yeah. And we could invite Chelsea and Amelia sometimes."

"That's a great idea. I like hanging out with them. They're fun."

"Lets have one tonight. You see Chelsea at the end of the day right?"

"And lunch."

"Okay so tell her to ask Amelia about it and to come over whenever."

"Okay. And I think we have enough snacks to feed all of us."

"And if not we can get a pizza or something. Some real food."

"Yeah because pizza if so nutritious."

"Hey, it has something from all 5 food groups."
"Good point."

"Okay so next time you see Chelsea just ask her if she and Amelia are interested in coming over."

"I will."

Louis smiled at me and pecked my lips one more time and laid his head back down on his pillow while I laid my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. We both feel into our special world, where it was only me and him and no one could touch us. Until we got sucked our by a knock at the door. We both sat up on our bed and looked at each other in confusion. 

"Are you expecting anyone?" Louis whispered to me while looking at the door.

"No. Are you?"


We continued to stare at our door not knowing if we should answer the continuous knocks or not. "Mr. Styles? Mr. Tomlinson? It's Mr. Salazar, are either of you awake?" I open my mouth to answer before Louis quickly put his hand over my mouth and put a finger up to his lips telling me to stay quiet. WE continued to look at the door until we say a slip of paper slide underneath the door and the shadows of his feet disappeared. Louis stood up from the beds and quietly walked over to the door and picked up the small piece of paper. "What does it say?"

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