Chapter 48

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Louis POV

14 hours. We've been in this hospital for 14 hours. I was in a waiting room along with Amelia, Chelsea, Anne, and Gemma. Last time I called my sisters they told me that they were half way to Nottingham and should be here soon. But I couldn't worry about that. All I could focus on in this moment was how Harry was doing. I tried everything I could to get into the delivery room but they said that it might complicate the surgery so they told me I had to wait outside. At least they said they'd come out and get me as soon as they baby was about. I was pacing back and forth across the waiting room that the soles of my shoes were wearing away. "Louis calm down, I'm sure Harry is doing fine."
"I'm just nervous Gem. I'm about to become a father. Just a few months ago I didn't even think that'd I'd be able to have a child of my own and now look at me, my fiancé is right now getting a c section to remove a baby that we didn't even know that he could get pregnant with. I know I'm not the only one that's nervous."

"Just calm down Louis. I'm sure Harry is doing just fine."

"Yeah but I've looked online and it said that in an emergency the time from incision to deliver would be 2 minutes and even in a non emergency it only takes 10 to 15 minutes. It even said an additional 45 minutes to get the placenta and sew him back up. It's been 14 hours Gemma. 14."

"Well when you were out calling Lottie a nurse came in and told me that the doctor was still going to preform a c section but was still going to wait for Harrys cervix to get to the full 10 centimeters just in case. Louis stop worrying. The doctors are going to take good care of Harry. He's going to be just fine."

"I'm just worried Anne. I don't want to lose him."

"Neither do I sweetheart." Anne said standing from her chair and wrapping me in her arms. And although I didn't know this at the time, but this was just the beginning of a very interesting night.

3 Hours Later

I was shook awake from my sleep to see Anne smiling above me with Gemma right beside her. "Louis you need to wake up."

"Hm? Why?"

"Just wake up sleepy head. Someone wants to meet you."

A smile spread across my face and I stood up from my chair, following Anne down a long white hallway. We came up to a door and Anne gently knocked on the hard wood. "Who is it?"

"It's your mom. I have a special visitor for you."

"Send him in." 

She gestured toward the door  and I slowly put my hand on the door handle. I took a deep breathe and slowly pushed the door open, peeking my head in. "Harry?"

"Hey Louis." I looked to my side and noticed Harry in a white bed. "I've been waiting to see you. I want you to meet someone." Harry said smiling at me. I slowly made my way to the boy in front of me and walked around the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed as Harry grabbed on the small blanket that laid on his chest. "Louis I'd like you to meet someone." Harry said as he pulled the thin blanket from his chest. And underneath it, was my- "Louis, this is our son." I looked down at the tiny baby that was in Harrys arms and immediately I fell in love with that little baby. My baby. Our baby.

"Oh my god Harry. He's, he's beautiful."

"He looks just like his daddy." Harry said looking up at me. 

"C-can I hold him?"

"Of course." Harry slid his hands underneath our son and gently lifted him up so I could take him. 

Tears flooded my eyes and threatened to escape as I looked down at the baby in my arms. "Hey baby boy, I'm your daddy Louis. I know I've only just met you but I love you so much and I promise I won't let any one hurt you." I held the baby with one arm and with my index finger I pushed the blanket away from his face. He made a small yawn and opened his eyes just the slightest bit. And right underneath his delicate eyelids, were beautiful emerald eyes. A smile came to my face and one thing came to mind. Just like his daddy.

Everything was perfect. After me and Harry had our time with our baby, one by one everyone came in to greet the new baby. Starting with Anne and ending with Chelsea. Everyone giving their best our way. Harry and I sat in his hospital room together and relaxed after the long day we just had. "Louis?"

"Yes Harry."

"Will you sleep in the bed with me?"

"I don't know Harry. I don't want to risk you getting hurt."

"Please Louis. Just for tonight?"

"Fine. But only because you've had a long day." I stood from my chair and walked over to Harrys bed and slid underneath the covers. "Now lets go to bed sweetheart. We've had a busy day." Harry cuddled up to my chest and I wrapped my arms around his body. "Goodnight Harry."

"Goodnight Louis." We laid there for a while longer and I felt Harrys small breathes. "Louis?"

"Yeah Harry?"

"Are you nervous to be a parent?"

"Honestly, yeah I am. But I think if we stick together we can make it. I believe in us Harry. And I think together we'll make amazing parents."

It was quite when I finally felt Harrys hand rub against my chest. "You really think so?"

"I know so. Harry we can do this. After everything else that we've had to put up with from our parents dislike for who we love, to being thrown into a gay correctional camp, to having a baby, I'm sure we can we successful parents."

Harry nodded and snuggled into my chest and I felt him hold me tighter. "I love you Harry."

"I love you too Louis." I closed my eyes and started playing with Harrys soft curls and the last thing I heard before drifting into sleep the last thing I remember was the feeling of Harry rubbing his hand along my chest, making my heart swell.

Salvation- Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now