Chapter 32

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Harrys POV

My heart was shattered. One minute I'm looking through Louis phone, reading the messages that he and that Nolan guy were sending and he next moment I'm walking out of our house with my bags at my side. How could he do this to me? It took every part of me to not cry when I was still home but I knew if I had I would've looked weak. Like I needed his saving. But I can't have him thinking I need his help when it was him who put me in this situation. But now that I'm away and he can't see me, I can't help but let the tears fall. They blurred my vision as I drove as the hot streaks ran down my cheeks. Why can't we just be a normal couple? It seems like whenever things get to normal something comes up to ruin it all. Well I'm sick of it. I'm just, I'm done. After a half and hour of driving I pulled out my phone and dialed the number of the only person I knew I could trust. "Hey Gemma?"

"Harry? Why are you calling so late? And are you crying?"

"M-m-me and Louis h-had a fight Gem and I didn't know who else to go to. Can I come over? I just don't know where else to go."

"Yeah Harry come on over. But what is this all about?"

"I'll tell you when I get there. I just, I just don't think I should tell you while driving."

"Okay yeah just come straight over and I'll be ready."

"Thank you Gem." I hung up my phone and started towards Gemmas apartment all the way in South Yorkshire. It'll take me another half an hour to get there and she doesn't have classes until next week so we should have enough time to talk about things without it messing up her schedule too bad. I just hope that she can tell me what to do about Louis. Because to be completely honest, I don't know what I'm going to do next.

"So tell me what happened."

"Okay so after I left moms house I went back home and after waiting an hour at home I decided to start unpacking all the boxes in the living room and when I finished I noticed that the time was 9 o' clock, four hours after Louis said he'd be home. So I started getting worried and started calling him and he never answered so I started getting worried and after a half an hour I called the police station to see if they heard anything and when they said no all the thoughts just got to me and I just broke down at the kitchen table because I was worried he left again. But then around eleven he came home and told me that he just went to the bar and his phone died and I forgave him because I was just happy he was home and safe. So we went upstairs to go to bed and he told me to plug his phone into the charger while he got in the shower and as soon as I plugged in his phone I turned it on and he got these texts from this guy named Nolan telling him that he enjoyed tonight in the bathroom and that he hoped that it could happen again and Louis just acted like he had no idea what I was talking about. And even when I showed him the texts he just sat there and acted like an idiot. So I told him that until he could man up and take responsibility for what he did, I'm leaving."

"Wow. That's a lot to happen in one night."

"Yeah. Gemma what should I do?"

"Well, I don't mean to sound in supportive Harry but, I think you should've given Louis a chance."

"I've already given him a chance Gemma."

"I meant a chance to explain. For everything that he's done, he deserves it."

"But walked out on me and our baby."

"Because he was scared. Harry if you could run wouldn't you? I'm sure the last thing he was expecting was to get his boyfriend pregnant."

"Yeah well, uh-"

"And what about everything he's done since then? He got you guys a house, paid for your doctor appointments, and even met mom knowing what the possibilities could've been. I think after all that you could've at least let him explain."

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