Chapter 49

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Harrys POV

Everything has been perfect. After the baby was born everything has been amazing. And Louis has been that most amazing father. As soon as they released us from the hospital Louis has been so helpful with everything. From getting up in the middle of the night when the baby would cry to playing with him whenever he got the chance. He absolutely adored our son, and I'll have agree. Noah as been our pride and joy ever since he first came arrived. I was in the kitchen getting mine and Louis lunch ready while Louis was in the other room playing with Noah when all of a sudden I heard crying. Damn it not again. "Louis can you please hurry and feed Noah. I literally just changed my shirt."

"I'm coming I'm coming. We had to get off the floor." Louis said while coming into the kitchen holding Noah in his arms. "Where are his bottles?"

"Their in the fridge, third shelf down. Same place they've always been."

Louis opened the fridge and looked inside scoping out for the baby bottles. "Harry I can't find them. Are you sure you filled more?"

"I'm pretty sure I did last night didn't I?"

"No remember you were going to but then he started crying and wouldn't go down all night."

"I'm pretty sure I filled at least one before he started crying."

"Check again please. I may have put it on one of the bottom shelves."

"Ummm, oh there it is. It's half full do you think it'll be okay?"

"Yeah I'll fill another few bottles while you're feeling him."

Louis nodded his head and put the nipple of the bottle to Noahs lips and allowed him to drink from the bottle. "Do you need me to get the breast pump?"

"No I got it." I walked to the cabinet where we stored most of the babies things and pulled out the pump. "Okay I finished our lunch so as soon as you're done feeding Noah you can eat. Unless you can do both."

"No I can do this first. Just put it right in front of me and I'll eat as soon as I'm done. In the meantime you can sit down and eat while you fill up his bottles."

"Okay Lou." I said placing Louis plate in front of him and sat down in my own seat. I pulled off my shirt and started to assemble the pump and put them over my nipples and pressed down to lock the air out. I set the dials for the best flow and comfort and sat back while it started doing it's job. "You know this is the weirdest feeling I've ever had."

"It's not the best to look at either. I'm actually watching you get milked."

"Well we've got to get the milk out somehow."

"Why don't you just do it normally. You know, actually breastfeeding him."

"Because that's weird Louis. I'm not going to make our baby feed from my chest."

"Women do it all the time. Why are you any different?"

"Because I don't have any organic milk bags hanging off of my chest. It'd be weird having our son suckle off my flat chest."

"And that put an image in my head that I did not want."

"Exactly. So just deal with the image of me getting milked."

"Can I just go in the other room? You're going to make the baby go blind."

"No I like being with Noah. It's rare I get to see him when he's not crying."

Noah made a whimpering noise from Louis arms and started to spit to bottle from his mouth. "You done beautiful boy? You ready to be burped?" Louis pulled the burping rag off his lap and tossed it over his shoulder and started to burp the baby. "Am I doing it right Harry?"

"Yes Louis you're doing perfectly." I said smiling while I saw Louis taking gentle care with our baby boy. 

"What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing just how cute you both look right now."

"You look even cuter."

"Yeah I'm sure I look fantastic with these two suction cups on my chest."

"I just crop those out whenever I look at you. Beside, if you just imagine that you don't have them it's pretty hot whats going on underneath."

"Glad to know that you think I'm hot." I said with a wink.

A smirk played across Louis lips as he looked at me and a burp came from over his shoulder. "Ah there you go baby. You feel better?" Louis said as he brought down the baby and started giving him raspberries on his tummy making his laugh.

"God Louis you're so good with him. What were you every worried about?"

"I don't know I guess I just didn't want to be like my own fathe-" Louis was soon interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. "Are you expecting anyone?"

"No not really. Are you?"

"No. Let me go get that. Here take the baby." He said while handing me Noah. I stood from his chair and went into the other room towards the front door. I heard the door open and a few muffled voices coming from the front room. The pump beeped signaling that I was done and pulled the pumps from my chest and pulled my shirt back on. "Who do you think you are coming here?!" What the hell was that all about? I stood from my seat and tried to comfort Noah who was starting to whine in my arms.

"It's okay love. Everything is fine."

"I told you when I left that I didn't want to ever see you again. You're not welcome here, now get the fuck out!"

Noah started crying in my arms and I made my way to the living room to find out what was going on. "Louis baby, what's wrong?"

I walked into the living room and looked straight ahead at Louis and outside the door was a woman that closely resembled him. Someone I saw months ago when we were telling our families about our families about us and our baby. "Louis just let me talk to you. I know I've made mistakes but let me please make up for them."

"Louis who is this women?"

"You must be Harry. I know last time you saw me we didn't get to really meet but I'd like to change that." She put out her hand and extended it towards me. "Hello Harry. I'm Johannah Deakin, Louis' mother."

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