Chapter 57

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Harrys POV

To say that I was made would be an understatement. I was furious. She knows how I feel about talking about death yet she still made me do it. And about hers. She never put my feelings in regard when she started talking and she never has. She only thinks about herself and how she will feel about the situation. Well I was done. I was done being put second in her mind. I was walking down the streets that I have walked down all my life. I walked past the place I would do when I was sad with my friends, I walked past the bakery I used to work which was now closed, and I even walked past the place where I had my first date. Everything seems so small now while when I was younger everything was big. The world was new to me and all I wanted to do was explore it. I used to dream of days when I would finally get out of the same old town and travel the world, but once I got older I realized that even though nothing ever happened here and how things have been the same for 20 years, this was my home. And I couldn't abandon my home.

I came back to the house that I had grown up in and looked at all the windows. It didn't look like anyone was home. They were probably still at the restaurant helping the waitress that I had pushed down. I meant to help her but I was just so mad. I had to leave. I walked up to the door and grabbed the key from under the mat and unlocked the door. I was greeted to pitch black. I felt my way to the stairs and climbed them one by one, feeling for them so I wouldn't miss a step. I made it up the stairs and went into the guest bedroom where me and Louis were staying. The room smelt clean and unused. Considering no one stayed in it besides Gemma. And even then it was only for a few days. The curtains were pressed and the bed was made. One of Louis shirts was thrown on the bed from when he was trying to decide what to wear for the day. I walked up to the shirt and started to fold it when I looked down at the soft cotton and I slowly put the shirt up to my nose. I inhaled deeply, smelling nothing but Louis' sweet scent. I've always loved the way Louis smelled. Sort of musky and a faint smell of cigarette smoke. I never really liked the smell of cigarettes before, that was until I met Louis. Now whenever I pass a smoker I always get reminded of Louis. They way his lips would curl around the end of the butt and how he would softly breath in, filling his lungs with smoke. I wish Louis would quit, but then again I'm afraid that if he quits a part of him leaves. Although not a good part, still a part that I've grown to love about him. I pulled the shirt away from my face and looked down at it. God I acted like such an ass. But I had the right to be angry. But I still could've held it in better. But she kept on pushing it forward. But I need to be a good example for Noah. I wouldn't want him lashing out whenever someone was doing something that he didn't like. I continued to fold Louis' shirt and put it back in his suitcase. The same suitcase that he had the first day I met him. It looked new, like he had gotten it just for the trip. That was probably the case since his parents told him that he was going to a special soccer camp. He didn't want to bring a worn out bag to his first day of camp. It didn't really make sense to me, but it was Louis. He needed to make himself known. Show that he was there for a reason and that he wasn't going to leave until he had gotten what he wanted. I started to look through more of his cloths, most of them being black and white, a few with a hint of red. That's what is so odd about me and Louis. You'd expect a tough guy like him to be with someone equally as tough. Not a softy like me. Louis is a fighter. Not so much physically but very much so verbally. Then there's me who can hardly say a peep when it comes to conflict. Louis is athletic and fit, I'd rather sit back and relax. Louis is punk I'm bubblegum pop. We're different in every way possible. So what would he be doing with a guy like me. He deserves someone better. He deserves someone that can actually share in his interests and can build up on them. Not someone who just smiles and nods and has no idea what the fuck he's saying. I held the shirt closer to me as tears started to roll down my cheeks. Another thing that makes me different than Louis, I'm a cry baby. I walked to my side of the bed and pulled back the covers and laid down underneath them. I rolled onto my side and pulled the shirt even closer to me while the tears continued to fall.

After what felt like hours had passed I heard the front door open and heard two pairs of footsteps walk into the house. There were a few muffled voices before I heard light footsteps coming up the stairs and I heard them stop right in front of the bedroom door. God please don't come in. Please don't come in. And to my relief, I heard the footsteps walking away. I relaxed a bit more before I heard a second pair of footsteps coming up the stairs. Lighter footsteps. And of course once they got up the stairs, the door opened. "I knew we'd find you here." I stayed quiet hoping maybe if I didn't answer him he'd leave. "Harry you know I'm not going to leave."

"Where's Noah?"

"Anne put him to bed. She figured I could get to you better than she could."

"Oh look she actually knows what I would want for once."

"Harry you know she never meant to make you uncomfortable."

"It's not just that she made me uncomfortable Louis. She knows that I've never liked to talk about stuff like this and she didn't even give us two days to settle down. That was the first thing she wanted to talk about."

"I know. She shouldn't have gone about it that way. But you just stormed out. Do you have any idea how worried we were about you?"

"I needed to get out Louis. I couldn't take it anymore. I feel like I can't do anything to please her and this isn't the first time I've felt like this. Ever since I was little she would always choose Gemma over me every time. At first I thought I was just being crazy but when I told my parent that I was bi that pretty much just sealed everything. After that whenever she asked me and Gemma everything she would always pick Gemma. It doesn't matter what it was. Whether it was from what we wanted for dinner to what grades we were getting in school. Did you know that one time Gemma got 3 C's on her report card and my mom bought her the new Iphone. You wanna know what I got for my straight A's? A half hearted good job Harry. Nothing else." Louis was quiet, just the reaction I knew he would have. "I just wish that someone would care about something that I did."

"What are you talking about? I'm always proud of the things that you do Harry."

"Baking cookies with stuff inside of them is not a great accomplishment."

"That's not what I was talking about Harry. I mean everything that you've ever done. From the moment I met you in camp to now, you always amaze me. You mean the world to me Harry. From the moment that you walked in with wet hair and towel around your waist, I knew that you would make an impression on me. Little did I know that you would be the single most greatest thing in my life."

I sat up in bed and looked at Louis who had a few tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry Louis. I've been full of self pitty for so long. I always thought I was a victim."

"Harry it's fine I understand. But just know that I will always be proud of you. No matter what you do I will always be proud."

"Thank you Louis. That really means a lot." He smiled at me and came onto the bed and wrapped me in his arms. "Louis?"

"Yes Harry?"

"Never leave me.""Never in a million years."  

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