Chapter 53

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Harrys POV

"Oh my god Harry this is so boring."

"You're the one that wanted to help me. I told you several times that you didn't have to help me with the wedding planning."

"And just sit back and let you do everything on your own? That's so rude."

"Then stop complaining. Now will you please hand me the tape."

Louis picked up the tape and handed it to me from across the table and I tore off a piece, gently placing it on the paper. "What are you even doing?"

"Make up a floor set up. I want to make sure we have room for everything that we want."

"How do you even know where we'll be doing the ceremony?"

"We have family friends that host weddings for a living. They own this beautiful building, oh my gosh Louis it's so gorgeous. But I just called them up, told them I was getting married, and just like that we were booked."

"That easy?"

"That easy." I smiled at Louis who then smiled back at me. Just as I looked back down at the layout we heard Noah in the corner of the room start to fuss. "I'll get-"

"No I'll get him it's fine." Louis said standing up and walking over to the small play pen. He picked up Noah and started to shush him while rocking him back and forth in his arms. 

"You're so gentle with him."

"I love him so much Harry."

"So do I sweetheart." I said while getting up from my position on the floor and walked over to Louis and peeked down at Noah from over his shoulder. "Can you believe we made that."

"I know it's crazy. I can't believe it. I thought I would never get the chance to have a child of my own and I was ready to live my life as a longing uncle. But you gave me one of the things that I wanted most. Well two actually."

"Two? What's the second?"

"A home."

"But Louis you're the one that bou-"

"This is just a house. But you're my home. If I were here without you and Noah, I'd just be a sad lonely man watching Fresh Prince of Bel-Air re-runs over and over. But I have a reason to come home every time I leave. I know that I'll be coming back to a warm bed and someone to love. I've always wanted that and I always figured I was never going to get it. But then I met this kind and caring boy and he all of a sudden meant the world to me. And I'm never going to leave him. Because if I did, I know that everything would go down hill from there." Tears were welling up in my eyes as Louis turned around and looked at me with glossy eyes. "You're my best friend Harry. And nothing can separate the two of us. Not even the Gods above."

"You're my best friend too Louis. And looking back at everything we've been through, I saw the mistakes of up and down. But we always meet in the middle. There will be room for common ground."

"Exactly. I look at other couples now and I see what it's like. I see what's it's like for day and night and never being together. And something I always see is that, they sort of see in a different light then us. They're never willing to try, like us."

"We don't want to be like them. I know we can make it to the end."

"Nothing can come between you and I."

"You know if we were ever in a boy band that would actually make a pretty nice song."

"Yeah. But come on that's so unrealistic. What would we even name it?"

"One Direction sounds pretty sick. And if we got say, three other guys in it with us I think that would be cool."

"Yeah but think about it. It's almost impossible to make it in the music business. I mean it's not like we would be the biggest band on the planet."

"Yeah good point. We probably wouldn't even sell out a small auditorium."

"Thank god we live in the real world. That all just sounds terrible. They'd probably have us do something terrible like hide our relationship and make one of us fake a pregnancy with some gross American girl."

"Yeah but the fans will know. And you never know. They might even ship us."

"What would our ship name even be?"

"Um, Houis Tomlinyles."

"That sounds like the worst ship name in the history of ship names."

"Well then you come up with one if you're so smart."

"Hmmm, Larry Stomlinson."

"No, maybe Larry Stylinson?"

"Yeah that sounds good. And the fans that ship us could be called Larries."

"And we could communicate to them through some rainbow bears or some weird shit like that." I started laughing as Louis joined me in the strange thought of us having to hide our relationship and communicate with stuffed bears.

"Thank god we live in the real world."

"Yeah that sounds terrible. Besides the fans. I'd love everyone of them."

"Same. Especially my number one." Louis said while taking one of his fingers and bopped me on the nose. I smiled and stood closer to him and gently pressed my lips up his. Noah giggled below us and a smile spread onto my face. I looked down at him in Louis arms and my heart fluttered. I had the two most amazing human beings in my arms right now. And I knew I was never letting go.

We had just put Noah down to go to bed and we were just cleaning everything up from dinner. Louis was downstairs cleaning up the rest of the dishes while I was upstairs getting ready to go to bed when we heard the doorbell ring. I started walking down the hallway when I saw Louis heading to the door telling me that he was getting it. I made my way back down the hallways when I heard my name being called from downstairs. And it sounded just like Gemma. "Harry! Harry where are you?!"

I ran back down the stairs and saw Gemma wet from head to toe from the pour rain from outside. "Shh Gemma calm down. Noah is asleep upstairs. What's wrong?"



"Harry something is wrong with mom. I called her three times today and she never answered any of my calls. And I just assumed that she was busy but a few hours ago one of her friends called me and told me that she found mom lying on her bedroom floor unconscious. Harry she's in the hospital. Her neighbor didn't tell me exactly what was wrong. The only thing that she told me that the doctors did everything that they could do."

"What does that even mean?"

"I don't know so I called the hospital she was at and they told me that she- that she-"

Gemma covered her face with her hands and let out a few broken sobs into them. I went to her and wrapped my arms around her gently rubbing her back. "Shh Gemma it's okay calm down."



"The doctor told me that mom has cancer Harry. And that it's terminal. He gave her 6 more months to live."

My world had stopped. I couldn't believe what Gemma just told me. Our mother had cancer, and she was dying. The same women that used to cut up my food for me when I was small and the same women that always came to my school events, was dying. Everything went silent. I couldn't hear the sobs that Gemma was giving out and I didn't hear Louis trying to comforting. I was lost. So lost that I couldn't even hear Noah crying from his bedroom upstairs.

So sorry for not posting for the last couple of weeks. School got crazy and  I haven't had time to write. I'm also sorry the chapter is so short but there will be a longer one soon this one was just sort of a filler so I could post at least something. Thank you guys for being so patient with me.

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