Chapter 4

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Harrys POV

I can't believe everything that just happened. One minute me and Louis are just barely introducing ourselves to one another and the next we're sharing a kiss. I know it's wrong and really really weird but there was just something about Louis when I started talking to him. Yeah I was still kind of pissed he was going through all my stuff but after that, I'm not sure what it was but just something stood out and he's unlike any other person I've ever been interested in. Guy or girl. And the way I felt when his lips touched mine, I can't even describe the feeling. I felt like my chest was going to burst from excitement. The second his lips touched mine, my whole body felt electrified. Yeah I know my family probably won't approve but Louis was right. The only happiness that truly counts is mine. Yeah I want my parents to be proud of me and to not be embarrassed to call me their son but at the end of the day, I need to think about how I feel. And right now I feel amazing. I'm going to try and make things work with Louis. Even though it's the exact opposite of what we're supposed to be doing, I don't care. Things feel right when I'm with Louis. I feel like I can really be myself.

When the morning comes all the memories that happened the night before come flooding back and instantly I get butterflies in my stomach. I peak out from underneath the covers and look over at Louis in his bed, his hair dis-shelved from his tossing and turning. We had spend the whole night talking to each other. Starting from where we were from to what our childhoods were like and what our favorite whatevers are. I feel like I already know everything about him even though I have only known him for a few hours. And they've been the best hours I've had in a long, long time. I sit up in bed and stretch my arms above my head, hearing my back and shoulders pop. I rub the sleepiness away from my eyes and look back over at Louis. God he's so cute. He's quite a bit smaller than me but his personality is so big and out going, at times I feel like he towers over me. I hear a small knock at the door and stand up from the mattress to answer whoever could be knock at this early of an hour. I turned the door and and swung the door open to see a man with gray hair and crows feet by his eyes smiling at me. "Hello young man. I am Mr. Salazar and I am the head of this building. I am in charge of making sure that everyone obeys the rules set up for your recovery and that everybody stays informed on what the day is to bring us all. And if you have any questions please come free to see me. My office is on the first floor right side as you walk in the front door."

"Very nice to meet you I'm Har-"

"Harry Styles. Yes I know and your roommate is Louis Tomlinson. Am I correct?"

"Yes you are."

"Okay great. Well I have stopped by to tell you that breakfast will be in the main building at 8:30 and orientation will be at 9:30 in building B. So if you don't mind waking up Mr. Tomlinson  and coming down for breakfast we can get today started smoothly."

"Okay. Thank you Mr. Salazar." The man smiled and continued onto the next door giving out the same information. I shut the door and turned around and looked at Louis still sleeping in his bed. I quietly moved over and put my hand on top of his should and gently shook him while whispering his name. "Louis. Louis, it's time to wake up."


"Louis I'm serious. We need to get up have some breakfast and go to orientation."

One of Louis' eyes slowly opened and looked up at me with a curious expression. "What?"

"We need to go down get some breakfast and go to orientation after."

"What time does breakfast start?"


"And what time is it now?"

I honestly had no idea. When I first woke up I hadn't looked at the clock. Just Louis. I turned around and looked on the nightstand between both our beds and looked at the red glowing numbers. "It's um, 6:41."

"See Harold. We have more than enough time to get ready. Lets just sleep for a little bit longer."

"Okay okay. I'm sorry Louis. I'll let you get back to sleep."

I stepped away from his bed and when back to my own before I felt something around my wrist. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Um, back to my bed."

"I think you misunderstood me Haz."

"I thought you wanted to go back to sleep?"

"Yeah. With you."

"But Louis what if someone walks in?"

"Nobody is going to walk in. And if they do we'll just come up with an excuse."

"You're sure no one will come in here?"

"I'm positive Hazza. Now come get into this bed. I'm freezing." I walked back over to Louis bed as he lifted up the covers for me to get inside. Once I climbed into the bed Louis tucked the covers over my side as we started to get comfortable with the squished space. "Do you like being little or big spoon?" Louis asked me looking at me with half closed eyes. 


"You know, like when cuddling. Do you like being the one on the outside or inside?"

"Inside. It's warmer that way."

"Perfect." We both laid down on our sides both facing the same way as Louis draped his arm over my waist pulling me in closer to his body. "Goodnight Harry."

I closed my eyes and relaxed in Louis grip, feeling myself melt into his warmth. "Goodnight Louis. Sweet dreams."

1 Hour Later

I wake up to the sound of a buzzing noise and grip getting tighter around of my waist. I reached over to the clock at the side table and attempted to get out of bed. Attempt being a key word. When I try to pull myself out of the covers and sit up, Louis immediately pulls me back down. And when I try again, he pulls me right back down. "Louis I need to get ready."

"We have a whole hour before breakfast even starts."

"Have you seen these curls Tomlinson? They take forever to look presentable."

"And who are you trying to impress Styles?"

"Well no body. I just still like to look nice."

"But babe, as far as I'm concerned, you always look nice." Louis said flashing me a wink.

"Pft and how would you know? You haven't even known me a day."

"Please, you don't think I saw what you were packing yesterday when you were putting on those boxers underneath that towel." He said with a devilish smirk on his lips.

I felt the blood rise to my cheeks as I looked at Louis with his smug grin. "Y-y-you what?"

"You know what Haz." Louis said flashing me another wink.

I quickly turn away from him and pull out a t-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans out of my case. "I'm going to go um, change." I said waking to the door.

"Why don't you just change here?"

"I um, I didn't know if you'd be comfortable."

"And why wouldn't I be comfortable?"

"I don't know. Just seeing someone you just met undress and changing in front of you, I just thought-"

"Harry I'm going to tell you right now. Based on what I have seen, they only part of me that will be uncomfortable when you're changing in front of me, is in my pants."

I blush slightly as I slowly raise the hem of my night shirt over my body and above my head, taking my shirt fully off. I stand in front of Louis shirtless as his eyes scan me up and down. "See babe, you're gorgeous."

"T-thank you." I say a small smile playing on my lips.

"My pleasure." Our eyes connect and smiles immediately spread across our faces, making my heart pound so hard on the inside of my chest, I'm scared Louis might hear.

Salvation- Larry Stylinson AUWhere stories live. Discover now