Chapter 34

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Harrys POV

He's not coming back. God how could I be so stupid to think that he'd really come back. He's probably going to find somewhere else to live and sell the house and put me out on my ass with our baby to live on the streets. Of course he's going to do that. I've been so terrible to him I don't deserve a man like Louis in my life. He's so nice and caring and sweet and all he's ever done for me is care. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't come back. He shouldn't come back. I hope he's happy wherever he is right now. "Harry!? Harry I'm home where are you!?" I didn't mean here but, hey it works.

"I'm in the bedroom!" I heard Louis footsteps come up the stairs fast and start to run down the hallway. He appeared in the doorway and the air between us became tense, that is, until he smiled.

"God you're so beautiful. How could I  ever even think about leaving you?" Louis came up to my side of the bed and grabbed both sides of my cheeks and pulled my face up to his as he pressed his lips against mine. My heart fluttered with every second that my lips were touching his and I never wanted it to end. I put my hands on the back of Louis neck and pulled him closer to me until he landed on top of me. Our kiss deepened and everything around us seemed to disappear. We went into our world where nothing could touch us and all of a sudden everything was okay. "I'm sorry about everything that's happened Harry. I shouldn't have mixed mine and Christians phones."

"I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. I should've let you explain yourself."

"I just don't want to come this close to losing you ever again. I thought I lost my whole world."

"I know Louis me too. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you with me. I'd be a mess. A half a man at best."

"Lets just forget all we said last night. It doesn't even matter, because we both got split in two."

"I love you Louis Tomlinson."

"I love you Harry Styles."

"I love you Christian Matthews."

"I love you too Nolan Carters."

Me and Louis both looked at the door frame and saw two men looking at us. One with a smirk, the other an adoring smile. "What are you two doing here?"

"Trying to do the same thing that you wanted to meet us for."

"Yeah you left the coffee shop so fast that you forgot your phone. Again."

"Shit I'm sorry guys."

"It's fine. I would have moved that fast if I was coming back for someone as beautiful as this."


"Oh calm your pants Christian he's taken. And not to mention pregnant. Congratulations Harry."

"Why thank you very much. I'm assuming Louis told you."

"He did. Oh and I never introduced myself. I'm Nolan and this is my boyfriend Christian. We talked on the phone."

"And I'm Harry."

"Oh and I was going to tell you, I love the furniture in the house. Did you paint it all yourself?"

"No actually Louis did. He just chose what he thought I would like."

"Neutrals. Very nice. Gives it a very homey feel to the house."

"Yeah oh and you should see the kitchen."

"I would love to."

"Lets go then shall we?" I said putting my arm out so Nolan could grab it as I led him to the kitchen. "We had to get a new stove and oven for the kitchen since the last one wasn't working anymore. I tried to get a cheaper one but Louis told me that we'd have to get another one in just a few years if we had so we got a newer one instead."

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