Chapter 20

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Harrys POV

"So tell us gain why you gave the doctors office our address to send your test results?"

"Because I trust you guys and that you wont go through my results without us."

"Well it would've been great to give us a heads up."

"They're fine Chels."

"I'm just saying. I don't want another awkward run in with the postal man."

"Sorry Chelsea. I figured you wouldn't mind."

"You're fine H. But why didn't they doctor just call you?"

"In my experience with these kind of doctors it's best to get results and see them on yourself on paper."

"I still can't believe you could be pregnant Harry."

"I know. It's a bit of a strange situation."

"Strange? It's weird as fuck!"

" Amelia!"

"What? Both Harry and Louis agree. And I'm just saying the truth."


"can you two stop bickering and let Harry open his damn results?"

"Anxious now aren't we Louis?"

"Well wouldn't you be anxious to find out whether or not your boyfriend is pregnant?"

"I don't think I will ever have to worry about that."

"Well you possibly would be if you just fucked me-"

"Oh for gods sake Harry just open the damn results."

I looked away from the scene in front of me and over to Chelsea who just had a smile on her face. I looked back at Louis who had a slight glimmer in his eyes. I looked down at the small envelope in my hands and I slowly ripped open the small paper flap and pulled our the small stack of papers. "What does it say babe?"

"One second. Um, STD checks all negative, unusual chemical balances all negative, pregnancy tests....positive."


"Positive. Louis, the test is positive. I-I-I'm pregnant."

The world around us seemed to go in slow motion. I looked back up at Louis and was greeted with his bright shining smile. "Really?"

"Yeah. We're having a baby Louis."

"I-I'm going to be a daddy? Oh my god. I'm going to be a daddy." Louis lifted me up from my seat and pulled me into a tight hug. I felt his face on my shoulder and soon, a few wet spots on the fabric of my shirt. "I'm going to be a daddy." Louis said, his voiced muffled from being inched into my shoulder.

"We're going to be daddies." I said in a confirming tome and Louis pulled away from my shoulder, tears staining his cheeks.

"I love you Harry."

"I love you Louis." The gap between us closed and out lips met in the middle creating a cluster of butterflies erupt my my stomach. Right next to my baby. My baby. I'm having a baby. There is a little bundle inside of my tummy. A little me and Louis. And the only reason why it is there, is from the help of Louis' love.

"So what time should we make the appointment?"

"Lets do it earlier in the morning. I can barely wait another moment."

"Yes 8:30 would be perfect. Thank you very much."

"Appointment set?"

"Yeah. 8:30 tomorrow morning."

"Perfect. And you called your mom?"

"Yeah a little bit ago. She sounded so happy that I was staying at camp for an extra week for a more invasive treatment."

"When in reality you're going to the doctor to have a check up on the fetus inside you that you're boyfriend put there that you met at said camp?"


"God the look on the girls face when you said positive was priceless."

"Um the girls? Excuse me Mr. Tomlinson you didn't exactly have the most calm reaction."

"Well what can I say? That's my baby in there!"

"Yeah I know Louis I was there. For both the confirmation of the baby and the making of the baby." I said with a wink climbing into our bed.

Louis gave me a small smirk and started climbing under the covers of the bed next to me, pulling the duvet up over our legs. "I'm just excited Haz. I've always waned a kid of my own but I figured I could never have it."

"Well there was always adoption."

"Yeah but you know what I mean. Like a kid that I helped make. Someone to pass my genes down to. Let my family line continue."

"Yeah I know what you mean Lou."

"But now thanks yo you, I can have that."

I looked at Louis next to me in the bed and his eyes were a sparkling ocean blue. I couldn't help but to lean over to his side of the bed and put my lips over his. Engulfing them in a long, deep kiss. He wrapped his arms around my neck while I put my hand oh his waist. Our kiss deepened more and more by the second before I pulled away from Louis lips, making him have a confused look on his face. "Babe we have the doctors tomorrow morning. We need to get some rest."

"Ah c'mon Haz. It'll just be a quickey."


"Hazza c'mon. Please. You just can't give me a hard on and not help me get rid of it."

"Yeah but-"

"Haz it'll just be real quick."

Louis pulled me on top of his lap and continued to kiss my neck, leaving small love bites behind. "But Lou the baby."

"Why do you think you're on my lap this time? Tonight is all about you babe."

"But what about you? You're the one making a big deal about not getting off."

"Babe, I get off by making you get off. Now let me do to you what I know you want me to do  to you."

"Are you s-"

"Positive." Louis started kissing down my neck and across my chest, trying to leave as many love bight as he could. "Lay on your back baby." I got off of Louis lap and did as I was told, laying down on my back facing towards the ceiling. Louis continued kissing down my chest until he got to my stomach. i looked down at him and saw him looking back up at me through his eye lashes. he drew a small heart with his finger tips on top of my tummy and placing a tiny peck where he had drawn. "I love you so much." He said placing another small peck in the same place he had done previously. He continued down to the hem of my boxers, giving me a tiny smirk. And lets just say, that was the first step of a long love filled night which almost made us late for our doctors appointment later on that morning.

Salvation- Larry Stylinson AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें