Chapter 15

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Louis POV

I woke up the next morning to a mess of brown curls in my face. I looked down and say Harry cuddled into my chest and legs wrapped around mine. I smiled to myself and bent my head down and laid a soft kiss on Harrys temple. The night before was absolutely amazing. Not just because we had sex, but because now, our love was sealed forever. Knowing that only I could make Harry feel that way and knowing that only I could give Harry that type of pleasure, it made my mind go blurry. My heart raced at the thought of only me being able to kneel behind him and give him that pleasure and so much more. We didn't just have sex, we made love. Innocent and gentle love. I started rubbing his back up and down with my fingertips, feeling the goosebumps on his skin rise underneath the pads of my fingers. "Good morning Louis."

"Good morning Harry. How did you sleep?"

"Fantastic. How about yourself?"

"I slept just fine. How are you feeling? I could imagine you would be quite sore."

"I am a bit. But not as much as you'd think three rounds would get me."

"I blame the champagne."

I felt Harry chuckle on my chest and start drawing shapes on my chest with his finger. "Hey Louis, lets play a game."

"Okay what kind of game?"

"I'll trace letters on your chest and you have to try and guess them. And once you get all the letters you guess what I wrote."

"Okay lets play." Harry started running his fingers on my chest, slowly making the invisible letters become words. "Cat."

"Right. What about this."

"B-I-R-D. Bird."

"Correct and now?"

"C-A-R-R-O-T. Carrot. Ew I don't even like carrots. C'mon give me something harder." Harry took a small pause before starting his new word. "M-I-N- and E? Mine?"

I placed a small peck on top of Harrys hair and started rubbing his back once more. "Of course Harry. Only yours. Lets do one more." Harry slowly started running his finger across my chest, slowly letting me guess each letter. "H-O-M-E. Home. Home? Haz what do you mean?"

"I mean you're my home."

"I still don't get what you're trying to say."

"I don't know it's just, Louis, when I'm with you, I feel like I can be myself. I don't have to hide who I truly am and I don't have to worry about hurting the people around me. And you always take me in the right direction towards happiness. If it wasn't for me meeting you I would still be in that camp having to listen to people telling me that my feelings are wrong. That I'm wrong. But you set me free. It's like I was a bird trapped in a bird cage just dying to get out, and you opened the door to let me fly. To be free. And all the time I just felt like an anchor sinking down further and further into the water and all of a sudden I got a strong rope pulling me back up from the depths of that sadness. I was a ship lost at sea before I met you Louis. All I would do is drift around hoping to find last soon but was always left with disappointment. But then you came into the picture and all of a sudden I knew where I was going. You are the compass that leads me to land. And no matter where I am, my compass always points to home."

Tear had welled in my eyes and were starting to roll down my cheeks. I heart was pounding so hard in my chest I bet Harry could feel it on his cheek. I sat up in our bed as Harry did the same and the only thing I could think to do was look at him. I stared into his bloodshot eyes and looked deep into those dark pools of green and I immediately got lost. No I wasn't looking at the tears that were pouring out of his eyes which were equivalent to mine, nor was I looking how his hands would wipe them away before I could see them. But I didn't mind seeing these tears. These tears showed me that Harry truly did care about me. He confirmed something I already knew this whole time but just seeing those tears roll down his face, it cause my heart to burst. I leaned in and kissed Harry on his puffy lips and he kissed me back, pulling my face closer to his. We pulled our lips apart and rested our foreheads on one another and looked deep into each others eyes. "I love you Harry."

"I love you too. More than anything."

"Harry, did you mean everything that you said?"

"Every last bit of it."

I leaned in and pressed my lips back to Harrys and pulled him even closer to me. Have you ever had the feeling where you have just been so crazy about a person that you wished that you could be as close to them as you possibly could. So you'd pull them as close as they could get to you but it'd still never be enough? Well that's how I felt right now at this moment. No matter how hard I pulled Harry to me we can never be close enough. I know it may sound obsessive and not healthy but I don't care. All I care about right now in this moment is Harry. He is the only thing on my mine and the only reason my my heart is beating as fast and as hard as it is right now. I pulled Harry on top of my lap and deepened our kiss with each other. I felt my boxers tighten the longer our kiss lasted and I could feel the same thing happening to Harry on my thigh. I lay him down flat on his back and slowly pull off his boxers and he does the same to mine. And within a matter of seconds we are back to the events that had happened the night before. Except this time I am looking down into Harrys eyes as I thrust in and out of his body, his eyes never leaving mine. His legs were wrapped around my waist and my hands were planted on either side of his head. Things weren't fast and rushed like they were last night. We were taking our time and savoring each moment that passed as if it was never going to happen again. A few more minutes passed by before I was reaching my climax along with Harry. I moved my body in sync with his trying to get us to our climaxes as fast as I could. Harry reached his before I did but the feeling of his walls tightening around me was all I needed to push me off the edge. I came in Harry and pressed my forehead against his, both of us trying to catch our breathe. After we had both calmed down from out highs I pulled out of Harry and laid down beside him. He cuddled up to me just like he had the night before and I wrapped my arm around him pulling him closer to me. I looked down at my stomach and saw what Harry had left for me and the sight alone was enough to almost make me hard again. I grabbed a tissue off the night stand and cleaned myself up of what he had left and threw it in the garbage. "You know it wouldn't kill to maybe aim somewhere else."

"Sorry, I couldn't control it. It just kinda, shot out."

"I know babe I'm just teasing ya. Now come here." He crawled back over to my and laid his head down on my chest and after a few short minutes I could hear his tiny breathes escape his lips. I kissed his head one more time and closed my eyes and started drifting into sleep just like Harry had done.

"Good night Lou. I love you."

"I love you too Haz. Good night." And before you knew it I was out with only one thing on my mind. Him.

The feeling I got knowing that Harry loved me just as much that I loved him made my heart swell. I knew our love was special. Our love was like something that I had never known nor seen. A love as special as ours only happens once in a lifetime. It's something that most people only wish of getting. And I know that the consequence of our blessing is that we're going to have to go through a lot to keep it alive. It's as if I am a dagger and he is a rose. Life is no bed of roses, so we must show the strength we need to endure for what is ahead of us. We need to say strong and not give up until we can have what we want. Which is each other. We are strong, happily as one, and perfect. And nothing can drag us down. Nothing and nobody.

Salvation- Larry Stylinson AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ