Chapter 21

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Louis POV

We sat in the doctors office, Harry in his little hospital gown playing with his thumbs. "You nervous?"

"A little bit. Doctors always make me nervous."

"It'll be fine Haz. Just let me do the talking babe."

"Okay. Thank you Louis."

"No problem Harry." 

"Hello Mr. Styles. Mr. Tomlinson. How are you two doing?"

"We're great doctor how are you?"

"I'm just fine. So I see you guys got your lab results and Harry I looked in your other hospital records and contacted your other doctors and got more information of your current condition."

"Okay. What did my doctors say?"

"They just told me the basics of it all, the problem with the DNA and what functioned and what didn't. I just needed to know so I knew exactly how to take care of you."

"Thank you. To be completely honest neither one of us know what we're doing."

"Well that's very normal. Most new parents don't really know what their doing. And I can only imagine you two have just been through quite a shock."
"Oh you have no idea."

"Yes probably not. So Harry what I'm going to be doing today will just be a basic check up for you just to see if your body will be able to hold the extra weight of a fetus." The doctor started evaluating Harry, having him do some deep breathes, listening to his heart beats, and taking his blood pressure. "Okay Mr. Styles it looks like everything checks out. Now I want you to be going to the doctor not only for your regular check ups but also extra check ups to make sure how everything its going in your body. Although the uterus you have is exactly the same as one in a woman, we still do not know if it can function properly as it does a woman. It's mostly because of your increased testosterone and your hips necessarily aren't as wide as a woman's. But other than those concerns we think that this pregnancy may work out very well."

"Really? You don't thing anything will go to wrong?"

"No not really. But because of your testosterone levels if it gets to the point to where it could potentially affect the pregnancy then I may have to give you small doses of estrogen pills. Not enough to throw your body off balance but enough to help stabilize you so nothing happens to the baby."

"Thank you so much doctor."

"You're welcome. So is there any other questions either one of your boys may have?" I looked at Harry who slightly shook his head. I looked up at the doctor who was giving me a curious look. "Louis, do you have any?"

"Well just one. So when it comes to be the time for Harry to have this baby, how exactly will you, you know, get it out?"

"Oh well we'll just preform a cesarean section. We'll make an incision along the lower abdomen, cut into the uterine wall, and just take the baby out."

"And how long will it take Harry to recover from that?"

"Well he should be able to go home after 3 to 5 days after the surgery but he should be fully recovered about 4 to 6 weeks to fully recover."

"So he'll be fine? We don't need to worry?"

"No not at all. Just as long as Harry does what he needs to do to keep the baby healthy and as long as he has you to help him through the pregnancy, everything should go smoothly."

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