Chapter 30

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Harrys POV

I woke up to an empty bed and a missing warmth next to me. Where the hell is Louis? I sat up in our bed and looked around out almost empty room except for the boxes that held all of our shit for our room. God we still need to unpack and put everything together. And I still need to get everything that was at moms house. Maybe we can go up this weekend? I'd have to call her first and see if she has any plans. Well it'll most likely be on Sunday so she shouldn't have too much going on. Maybe she joined that book club though I know she was really excited about doing that. I'm sure they're fun and they'd give her an opportunity to get out more often. I know she was telling Louis- Louis shit Harry stay focused. Where is your boyfriend? I stood up from the mattress on the floor and walked out of the bedroom and down the hall. "Lou? You home?" Silence. "Louis?" More silence. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen and still, no Louis to be seen. But there was a slip of paper on the dining table. I looked over it and in Louis chicken scratch handwriting said, 'Hazza, I went out with Amelia for a bit, she wanted to get something for her and Chelsea anniversary. I'll be home around 5. I love you tons, Louis.' Okay that makes sense. But what the hell was I going to do alone until 5 o' clock? I went to our fridge to make some breakfast and when I opened the door, the only thing in there was left over potatoes and a carton of milk. God Louis when you went to get stuff for dinner why didn't you just also do the grocery shopping? I took out the potatoes and some left over cheese and started warming the potatoes in a pan while I shredded the mozzarella cheese and sprinkled it over the top with some salt and some pepper for seasoning. Not exactly the healthiest breakfast but it'll do for now. But now I have something to do today. Once I finished my breakfast I took my plate to the sink and walked back up the stairs to mine and Louis room and pulled some cloths out of my suitcase and threw them on. Hey maybe I could also go up to moms and get my cloths. I have nine hours until Louis is supposed to be back so I should have some time. I'll call her when I'm done with the shopping. I went back down the stairs and grabbed my wallet, keys, and list of foods that I could eat and headed out the door to go and do the shopping.

God this place is like a maze. I heard somewhere that the store puts the things that you need most on totally opposite sides of the store so then that way you would look at all the other products. And I can see why it's a good idea, but right now I was not in the mood. I was tired and my feet hurt and I never even got a good morning kiss. Okay just calm down Harry. Just get the stuff you need then go. What does your list say. Okay so the best things I can eat are eggs, beans, sweet potatoes, whole grains, walnuts, Greek yogurt, dark, leafy green vegetables, lean meats, and colorful fruits and veggies. Okay all sounds simple enough. And I'll also need to get some stuff for Louis too. I'll start by getting some milk. Louis can drink milk right? Well he can eat cheese and cheese is just solid milk, I'm sure it'll be fine. God why are there so many different types of milk? 1%, 2%, whole, skim. How the hell do you choose. Okay so better not get cow milk. They put all kinds of hormones that could mess you up. So maybe almond milk? Oh maybe soy? I'll just get both and see which is better. Now for eggs. Lets get cage free and organic. Organic is good right? That's the nothing bad one? Maybe I should google it just in case. No I think I'm right. Okay next is, what the fuck is a leafy green? Like lettuce? But it says dark, what's dark and leafy? This looks dark and leafy. What is it? Kale? I have never heard that in my life, but it's on sale. I'll just get it. Oh and those apples look good. I pulled a bag off of the roll and started to put apples in one by one when all of a sudden I heard my phone in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the name on the screen and smiled. "Hey Gem."

"Hey Harry what's up?"

"Just getting some groceries. What about yourself."

"Getting a visit done with mom. You never told me that you had a boyfriend. And a baby? How the hell did that even happen?"

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