Chapter 24

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Harrys POV

I sat in the seat next to Louis in the car driving away from his house in complete shock. We couldn't have been there for more than a half hour and already we were leaving. I don't know what happened when Louis was with his parents and to be honest, I didn't know if I wanted to. I looked over at Louis who had his lips pursed and both hands tightly on the steering wheel, all his focus on the road in front of us. "Louis?"


"What happened back there?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Louis, I may not be the smartest person in the world, but I'm not the dumbest either. I know you want to talk about it."

"It's just, they're so full of themselves Harry. I don't even think they analyze what they're saying when it comes out of their mouths. Just the things they were saying they were so close minded and just plain ridiculous."

"Well what were they saying?"

"Some stupid shit like 'oh we were just trying to save you from that abnormal lifestyle' or 'oh we just wanted what's best for you' when really they were just thinking of themselves and how me liking guys hurt their image with the church. It was just completely unbelievable."

"I'm so sorry Louis. So how did you respond?"

"You and I both know how I responded Haz. I yelled at them and told them that my sexuality just wasn't something that they could fix because I wasn't broken and no matter what they tried I was always going to be like that. And that I met you and how happy you make me and how in love I am with you and that we are expecting a baby and it is up to them if they want to be part of their grandchild's life or not. Then that's when you came in and we left."

"Oh. Well what do you think they're going to choose?"

"To be completely honest, I don't think they're going to make an effort to be part of the baby's life. I want to think differently but, I highly doubt they will."

"I'm sorry Louis. Maybe they might surprise you."


"What about your sisters?"

"Now my sisters, I think that they'll want to be around the baby. They're far more open minded than my parents."

"Well that's good." We drifted into a silence before I looked back at Louis. He looked a bit more relaxed with his driving. He sat back a bit more in his seat and had dropped his left hand from the steering wheel. I looked down at the hand in his lap and slowly slid my fingers between his. He looked down at our hands and a small smile creeped in on his face. "You know you could've just told me that you wanted to hold hands Harry."

"Well where's the fun in that?" I flashed Louis a wink and watched as a pink tint went over his cheeks. 

"Who knew you were so cheeky Harold."

"There's a few things you don't know about me Lou."

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Well, I can be full of surprises."

"Oh really? I don't believe you very much."

"Is that so?" I looked at Louis in the eye as he just got a smirk on his face not being able to believe a word I was saying. Which of course, only made me want to prove him wrong even more. Then and idea went into my mind. I took my hand out of his and put it down a bit on his lap. And when he didn't think anything of it I knew I needed to step up my game. At first I started with just my thumb moving back and forth on the fabric of his jeans until it turned into my hand moving further and further up his leg as I inched up his thigh. "Uh getting a little close there Haz."

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