Chapter 13

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Louis POV

"Now are you sure you have everything?"

"Yes Harry, I'm sure."

"You're not missing any clothes or anything?"

"No I got everything. I checked under both our beds and I've packed everything my sisters sent. I have everything."

"Okay i was just making sure."

"Uh huh thanks mom."

I put my bag on the ground and looked at Harry who was double checking the contents of his suitcase. "I just don't want us to be gone and you realize you left something behind."

"I know I know. Now come on we need to get going. It's almost 5."

"Okay I'm ready."

We walked out of our room and made our way down the hall. We both managed to get our bags down the stairs and out the door. "So they said to meet them in the main building right?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Or maybe they said at the entrance?"

"Well lets just check the main building just in case. It's right there."
"But what if they aren't in there?"

"Then we go to the entrance."

"Sounds like a waste of time."

"But if they are in there we save time."

"I think we should do to the entrance."

"But then we'll have to make our way back here to the main building."

"Fine we'll go to the main building."

"Are you sure you want to?"

"Well you're saying it's best."

"But I want you to want to go.."

'What the fuck does that even mean?"

"I've said it once and i'll say it again, you two fight just like a couple."

We turned around to find Chelsea standing behind us, also with a bag in hand.

"So I see that they're letting you go too."

"Yeah. They came up to me today and told me that I've passed all their lessons."

"So you're going home?"

"Well, not exactly."

"What do you mean? Where are you going?"

"Well I called my parents and told them that I had good and bad news for them. And when they told me to tell them the bad news first I told them they were letting me out of camp early because I passed my lessons. Then of course being them they took it as good news and asked me what on earth could be better so I told them I have a girlfriend that makes me very happy and that I'm moving in with. And that I need some one who really loves me and that they couldn't provide me with that kind of support considering they can't accept me for who I am because I like girls then I hung up the phone."

"Did you really?'

"Yeah. I told Amelia they were letting me leave, she didn't want me to go so she asked me to move in with her and I said of course."

'So what's were you're off to now?"

"Yup she's coming to pick me up now."

"That's great. I'm happy for you two."

"Thanks H. So what are you boys going to be doing?"

"Spending the whole week together and not having to worry about being caught."

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