Chapter 27

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Louis POV

"But Lou how will we be able to continue to keep up with these payments? Neither one of us have a job and with the baby coming we're going to need some sort of source of income."

"Harry I told you, don't worry about it. I've got everything under control. All you need to worry about is what color the nursery is going to be."

"But I just don't want to sit and let you do all the work. This is my house too Louis, I want to help."

"I know you do Hazza but I don't want you working while you're pregnant. I know a woman can do it but you're different. We don't know how much stress you or the baby will be able to handle and I don't want to take any risks."

"But Lou-"

"Harry no. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I'm not taking any risks. I know you want to help but just can't Harry."

"Louis I am I grown man and I can make my own decisions. I don't need you behind my shoulder breathing down my neck I'll be fine."

"But Harry-"

"No. I'm going to help one way or another."

"Okay fine. I get that I won't be able to change your decision but lets at least talk to the doctor first. I'm sure he can suggest a few things that may be easiest for you."

"Well, okay. I guess that makes sense."

I looked back at Harry who looked back at me, satisfied with the decision that we made together. "Is there anything that you'd want to do?"


"You know, if the doctor says that you'd be okay to work, is there anything that you'd want to do."

"Well, when I was younger I worked in a bakery back in Cheshire. The nicest little place. I'd help the women who owned it bake breads and frost desserts. It was nice and calm."

"A baker. Yeah that sounds perfect for you. You are after all my little cupcake." I said kissing the tip of his nose as a pink tint went over his cheeks. 

"So you'd be okay with  that?"

"Yeah just as long as you don't get to stressed out it should be just fine. I just don't want anything happening to bad to you or the baby."

"I understand Louis. I just don't feel right having you pay for all the house payments and everything. You need help."

"Harry really. Everything is under control. Like I said I got an inheritance when my grandmother passed away and I still have enough to pay for the house and help with the baby. And I also have other savings accounts. We're stable Harry trust me."

Harry looked down at his feet to try and avoid my eyes which didn't work out very well considering our height difference. "You know sometimes you being so short is quite annoying."

"And you don't think I don't know that?"

"I like it though. You're like a little elf."

"An elf?"

"You're so s-m-o-l, smol."

"Smol? What the hell does that mean?"

"You know, you're not small, you're smol. Like I can pick you up and put you in my pocket."

"Shut up I am not."



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