"You'll find out someday, Revana. Some day."

Later that night, screams could be heard from Mother and Father's chambers. I lay alone on my bed in my chambers, without my older sister by my side. Later that night, Father died.


Four months had passed since Father's death. Two babies screamed from the room Mother and Father once shared, which now belonged to Mother and on occasion, for reasons I hadn't known, Col.

Elizabeth had returned the day after Father's death. Her smile could light up the sky—but since she came back, I sensed something was wrong with her, even if she refused to show it.

Her ginger curls bounced up and down as she ran down the hallway. I ran behind her, my short legs barely keeping up.

We peered into the room. mother lay in her bed, holding two small babies. She didn't smile or anything, a blank expression was on her face.

"Come in, Elizabeth and Revana. Meet your half brother and sister." Col said, who stood next to mother. Next to him was James. I wasn't sure why they were there.

"Meet Elire and Ivan." Col announced proudly and looked at the babies with a loving look. They both had small tufts of black hair on their heads, black hair much like mine and mother's.

Mother snorted. "Surely they'll be gone soon, I don't see the point in introductions." Col glared daggers at mother. "I think Elizabeth, Revana, and James deserve to meet their new half siblings."

Mother rolled her eyes.

"Why are they leaving?" Elizabeth asked, any happiness from her new siblings leaving her face.

"They aren't 100% royal." The midwife, a large woman, responded. "Your mother doesn't want to keep them."

"But mother." Elizabeth pouted. "They're family!"

"You three should leave." Mother waved us off and handed the twins to the midwife, who cradled them in her arms as she walked out of mother's chamber.

Col sadly sighed. "Winifred..."


Elizabeth stuck her tongue out before she stomped out of the room. James and I walked out as she did.

We stood in the hallways. "This isn't fair! Were ever shall they go?!" Elizabeth complained.

"Perhaps its for the best." James mentioned. Elizabeth huffed. "Come on, Revana, we're leaving this traitor!!" She grabbed my hand and left for our chambers, were we spent the rest of our night grieving.


We hadn't seen James in years since what happened to Elire and Ivan. We had seen Col a few times when he would sneak into mother's chambers for the night. I never understood why until Elizabeth explained to me that their relationship had to be private—few people knew that he was Elire and Ivan's father, in fact,  mother betrayed to father in this way. Many people were told Elire and Ivan died during childbirth and they were both my father's, the king, who died four months before their birth. I asked why mother would do that to father many times to Elizabeth, but she had no explanation.

Last Hope [VERSION I]Where stories live. Discover now