I nodded, a faint smile on my face, "Of course Elise."


(Pre-game era)

"Hyaa!" I grunted as I swung my (Sword/Katana/Spear/Naginata) at the training dummy before me. It fell backwards, the new cut spilling out cotton.

I dropped my weapon to the ground, falling next to the blade and laying there. It was dark out, and the stars shone quite brightly.

"What are you doing here?" A familiar voice asked, and I bolted up. I turned to see the princess Hinoka standing with her own naginata in her hands.

"Training, milady. I'll be going now." I bowed my head and stood up, grabbing my weapon from the ground.

"No, please stay. I'd like to spar with you." Hinoka grabbed my arm.

"Oh. Alright then..." I shrugged, getting into my fighting stance.

After an hour of sparring with the princess I finally gave up. I laid down on the grass below me, breathing heavily.

"Good match. I'll practice with you again later sometime, (Your/Name)."

'I can't believe she actually knows my name.'


(Pre-game era)

I smiled to myself as I carefully pushed a book back into it's slot on a shelf. I was about to climb down the tall ladder, when I heard a voice below me.

"Excuse me? Can you please-" I yelped as I lost my grip on the slippery metal ladder, quickly falling down to the green-carpeted ground. I clenched my eyes shut, bracing myself.

"Oof!" Someone grunted, and I opened one eye. I was in the arms of Prince Leo, the second youngest prince of Nohr. I blushed furiously, too stunned to try to get out of his arms.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized, and he let me down, "I didn't mean to fall Lord Leo!"

A faint blush on his cheeks, he turned to look away.

"It's fine..." He muttered, "Can you grab me the book you just put away? I need it for my studies."

"Y-Yes milord!" I quickly climbed back up the ladder and grabbed the book. I clenched it in my non dominant hand and clung to the ladder with the other. I climbed down and held out the book to the waiting prince.

"Thanks." He said, turning around to leave the library.

"N-No problem milord!" I stuttered in embarrassment.


(Non-canon era)

"Lord Ryoma? Your fiancé is here." The Hoshidan royal advisor said, and I clenched my fists at my side. I didn't really want to marry the high prince of Hoshido, especially because of all the ridicule I would get for not being a royal.

Before he died, the king of Hoshido decreed that I would marry Ryoma, mainly so I could help run the kingdom. I'm not a royal, nor an aristocrat. My parents are both part of the royal guard, as regular soldiers, and were lucky enough to have a prodigy child. That being me.

This was actually the first time I've met my future husband.

'Gods I hope he's not a complete ass.'

"Lord Ryoma." I bowed to the prince standing by the Hoshidan throne.

"Hello (Your/Name). Nice to meet you."

"Yes, nice to meet the man I'm going to be marrying for the first time." I muttered sarcastically under my breath before plastering a fake smile over my face, "May we please go for a walk?"

"Of course."


(Non-canon era)

I grunted as I lifted two heavy buckets full of water from the lake. I staggered back to the castle, carefully balancing the buckets.

I finally made it to my destination. A small garden filled with luscious flowers.

I narrowed my eyes when I saw someone squatting among my small area of (Favorite/Flowers).

"Excuse me!" I snapped at the person, and they stood up. My eyes widened when I saw who it was.

"I'm so sorry for snapping at you Lady Sakura!" I bowed, dropping the buckets onto the ground, causing a little bit of water to slosh all over the dirt.

"N-No, I-I'm s-sorry for coming into your g-garden!" Sakura blushed in embarrassment, "I hope you can forgive me for snooping a-around!"

"It's f-fine, y-you're the princess..." I muttered picking up one of the buckets and starting to water the plants.

"C-Can I help?" Startled, I poured the entire bucket into a patch of (Disliked/Flower) as I snapped my head to the side to look at the red-headed princess.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you pour all the water into those flowers!" She held her hands to her mouth.

"I-It's fine. I don't like those flowers anyways... But you really want to help me?" She nodded, and I shrugged.

"Thanks I guess... But can you come back tomorrow?"



(Non-canon era)

I yawned loudly as I slumped over onto my mentor's shoulder. My mentor, Oboro, sighed as she set me down on a bench.

"If you don't start sleeping and putting effort into your training you'll never replace me as Lord Takumi's retainer!" She snapped and I yawned again.

"What was that about me?" I snapped my head towards the noise. It was Takumi, leaning against his yumi.

"I was just telling (Your/Name) here that she needs to stop being lazy." Oboro sneered at me before looking at Takumi with admiration basically shining from her eyes.

"Sh-Shut up... Oboro... I... Stayed up... Training... Late last night..." I slumped over, in complete bliss as the darkness of sleep surrounded me.

~-Third Person-~

Oboro glared down at the younger girl before turning to look at Takumi again.

"I'll go bring this useless girl back to her room. I'll make her train later tonight." She sighed, putting the girl's arm around her neck and dragging her back to her room.

"Appreciated, Oboro."


(Pre-game era)

"Milady/Master, we are now at Castle Krakenburg." My assistant, (Butler/Name), said, and I nodded.

"Thanks. Time to go see this 'high prince' of Nohr..." I muttered, dismounting from my pegasus.

"Thanks (Pegasus/Name)." I whispered, stroking the beasts neck before dusting my clothes of hair quickly and walking forward to stand next to (Butler/Name), who had dismounted already.

We walked in silence across the bridge, then through the throne room, were King Garon and his children were waiting.

"Where is King (Father's/Name)?" King Garon asked, giving me a slightly angry look.

"Unfortunately he could not make it. Instead I am here to accompany the princess/prince." (Butler/Name) spoke, and the king nodded.

"This is my son, Xander." One of his children, a tall blonde man wearing black armor, stepped forward.

"Greetings, princess/prince (Your/Name)." He said, and I nodded.

"Hello prince Xander. Might we discuss our marriage privately?" He nodded, walking forward.

"Don't even think about following me, (Butler/Name)."

I hope you liked these 0~0. Took forever to write >.<. Anyways, feel free to suggest scenarios, but I won't add anymore characters seeing as these will take forever to update anyways...

See you!

Edit: Created February 27th, 2016.

Edited May 13, 2016.

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