ch.70 This is the part

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I closed my eyes wound my arms around Harry's neck so firmly that I felt his heart beating, wrapping itself around mine.

Harry nestled his head against my neck. I patted his hair gently as I felt a few more tear drops slide down my neck.

"You make me so weak" he whispered by my ear.

I moved back slightly, but only enough to see Harry's face fully. His eyes were blotched from the few tears he dared to shed. And his lips still quivered.

"No" I shook my head. 

Harry sniffled back a few tears.

"I make you stronger" I told him.

Harry grinned shyly. I kissed a few of his tears and wiped the remaining ones with my thumb. 

Danny held Gemma's hands tightly in his, like he was trying to stop himself from crying, too.

Marco clenched his jaw to prevent himself from shedding any tears himself. And I knew he wanted to shed quite a few over my dad, whom I knew he had never truly expressed his love towards.

Darcy watched me and Harry in awe, like she didn't recognize us, like we were fairy tale characters in a story she adored.

"Beautiful" a voice sneered.

Harry and I turned to see Carlo clapping faintly. His greasy hands clasped together and then rested over his so-called heart.

"Just beautiful" he grinned sarcastically.

Harry took a step in front of me and glared at Carlo with such contempt, I was surprised that Carlo didn't burn under his gaze.

"This is the part where you run off" Harry hissed.

Carlo laughed.

Harry's fists doubled. 

"Says the 'man' who cries" Carlo huffed.

Harry grumbled under his breath and looked down momentarily. I rubbed his shoulder to reassure him that his tears were more powerful and impressive than anything his fists could do.

"A man's strongest key fits his weakest lock: his heart" Harry declared.

Carlo was quiet a moment, ashamed of the truth.

"A real man can cry as hard as he can crack another man's jaw" Harry hissed. He took a steady step toward Carlo. He eyed his neck and jaw, eager to snap them like twigs. 

Carlo coiled back hesitantly.

"But, most of all," Harry nodded.  "A real man doesn't take innocent lives, he gives his very heart for the woman he loves" Harry whispered.

He pressed his hand to his heart and then turned to glance at me momentarily.

I nodded slowly.

Carlo shook his head and laughed.

"Innocent? JD? Missy Santini-"

"Mrs. Lorenzo" I corrected.

Carlo ignored me.

"She was no angel. God, no! The only reason any of us were after her was because she looked like she tasted so damn good. She was so pure that she made you think dirty things about her. Bad, bad things" Carlo shook his head as he recalled the disgusting fantasies he had about my mom.

Marco grumbled under his breath. Danny's fists open and closed.

"It's the truth, Marco! You know what you wanted to do to her clean body. Where you wanted her. How hard you wanted to shove yourself into her tight lock" Carlo winked.

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