ch.51 Defending the devil

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I swallowed hard and stared down at my stomach.

A knight? A beautiful baby boy? 

Despite not wanting to be pregnant for a while and not even having the stamina or comfort to allow Harry to get me pregnant again, a baby boy would be so different.

Maybe he'd look like me and have big brown eyes and dark brown hair. Maybe he'd be quiet and shy and gentle. Or, maybe he'd be rough and aggressive, which Danny and the boys would love.

Nonna rubbed my belly, as if she could magically make a baby appear. Harry and I haven't even been intimate since I started gaining weight (and an attitude) when Darcy was growing inside me.

Even so, Harry wouldn't protest if I started kissing him lower on his body. He most certainly wouldn't argue with me if I did the 'creating' in addition to the 'delivery,' this time...


I didn't 'make my move' on Harry. First off, it sounded weird to say that because we're married and 'making a move' sounds like we're in high school again.

But, I did kiss him for longer than a few seconds. I started the hugs and held onto him longer. I patted his nice little bum and let my fingers linger down his lean legs every so often but he took the touches as a resurge of my affection for him. I had spent so much caring for Darcy that I was too tired for him at night, but the small efforts I made did cheer him up.

It was past 11 and we were both still in bed. It was Saturday so Harry was off from work but I didn't get a day off from being a mom and neither dad Harry.

Luckily, Darcy was at the grocery store with Becky and they won't be back for another half hour or so.

"Baby?" Harry called softly.

I looked up at him. He hadn't called me 'baby' since we had Darcy.

"Yes?" I asked. I leaned close and pulled the covers lower to reveal more of his neck. 

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked randomly.

I blinked, completely confused by what he meant.

"No. Of course not" I shook my head. I rested my chest over his and heard his heart beating softly against mine.  

"Then why are you buttering me up?" Harry asked.

"Buttering you up?"

"You've been kissing me and hugging me a lot lately. I've either really pissed you off or you're finally horny for me again" Harry winked.

"Shut up" I laughed. I pushed at his chest and laid beside him. 

"Yup, you're horny for me" he grinned. 

Harry let his fingers slip around my waist as he tried to tickle me. He went too low and grasped my inner thigh. Then he glided around my bum, grabbing a fistful in the process.

I squeezed his cheeks until his lips pursued and his hands stopped wandering. I leaned my face so close to his that our noses touched and our breath weaved in and out of each other's mouths.

Harry stared down at my lips. I watched his eyes as I spoke.

"Do you want another princess or a knight?" I asked him vaguely but still bluntly.

Harry blinked. I watched as he took my wrists and lowered them from his cheeks. 

"I want whatever you will give me" he told me softly.

I let my eyes wander along the different points and angels of Harry's face, everything from the rounded tip of his nostrils to the creases of his dimples.

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