ch.62 Daddy luff Dally

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"Nonna's intuition," nonna winked.

I stared at her.

"Harry!" I screamed.

I didn't know if I was happy or scared or just plain shocked that not only had Harry known what he had done, but nonna guessed it, too. Well, nonna guesed everything. It's like she 'had espn' in her eyes or her heart. Or maybe she wasn't my grandma but a witch that has come to tell me my fate with every passing day. 

Then I ran to the bathroom as my stomach clenched and twisted. I puked right into the toilet and nonna rushed in to help me. I wiped my mouth and stared at my stomach. He did it again.

I checked myself with those store bought, sort of crappy but still dependable testers.

Nonna pushed my loose, slightly sweaty hair back and kissed my cheek.

"Angela, you are a loving mother and a devoted wife. One baby, two babies, even ten babies should be proud to call you mama," she announced.

I sighed. 

Darcy gave everyone a nickname except for me, her mother.

The tester beeped and I nearly fell tripped. I squinted at the bar: pregnant.

I screamed from anxiety and smiled from happiness. Yup. Emotions are all imbalanced. I'm pregnant.

Harry banged on the door.

"Angela?! Are you ok?" he demanded calmy but still in terror.

I whispered 'nes.'

Harry twisted the knob so harshly that it he broke it off. I curled up into a ball and sat beside the sink.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked. He knelt down beside me.

"Baby," I sighed.

Harry blinked. Then he looked at the tester box and grinned.

"Babies!?" he exclaimed. He scooped me up in his arms and

"It won't say twins or triplets or whatever you've given me," I told him in annoyance.

Harry sighed. He was afraid of Pregnant Angie. And now, if I did indeed have twins on the way, then I'd probably be twice as horrible to him.

Harry kissed my neck and rubbed my stomach softly.

"Harry," I whispered. A few tears rolled down my cheek. 

"This is amazing, baby," he grinned, completely ignoring me. Harry wrapped his arms around me and pulled in a tight hug.

I nodded slowly. I wasn't even able to show any emotion. I felt numb, terrified just as much as I was exhilarated.

Harry jolted up and took Darcy in his arms.

"We have to go to Warner," I hissed. Darcy and Harry exchanged glances.

"Daddy," Darcy mumbled as she pouted her lip. 

Harry melted in seconds. Not only did Darcy use the 'little princess' card every moment, but her knowing how to say 'daddy' was the jack pot.

"But Darcy wants to stay," he insisted childishly.

"Well I need to go to the doctor," I demanded.

I ignored him and reached for his hand. I tugged until we were out by his truck. I took Harry's keys and drove us to the hospital hurriedly. Harry knew better than to ask me questions when I was tense.

Once we got there, Connie, the woman Harry knew from his volunteer work, smiled at us. She kissed Darcy's cheek and nearly cried at how she had seen me pregnant and now Darcy could speak.

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