ch.4 Never forget

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Danny patted my back, urging me to go forward and greet them despite everything that they had directly and indirectly caused. But the culprit of the crime, my mirror, my evil-half, wasn’t there.

Aunt Lisa took a step toward me.

I fidgeted with my hands.

Aunt Lisa took my face in her delicately withering fingers and patted my cheeks softly.

“Angela, tesora, I am so sorry on Gabriella’s behalf” she apologized softly.

Leo nodded and clasped his hands- which were nearly as hulking at Danny- behind him.

“It’s ok” I mumbled, but I knew it wasn’t.

I would never ever forget what Gabriella tried to pull, what I tried to pull on myself. I would never forget how many struggles and obstacles me and Harry have faced and will continue to face, but I will also never forget how neither of us was willing to give up.

Aunt Lisa walked up to me and she shook her head slowly, in disappointment.

"I am so, so sorry Angela. I will make sure Gabriella is taken to her real fiancé, in Sicily" she assured me.

I nodded. I really had nothing else to say about Gabriella.

Aunt Lisa held her breath, as if I had uttered some unthinkable phrase. Leo glanced at me and Harry. 

Then he stepped forward.

"Thank you, cugina. And we are sorry about Gabriella" he smiled.

I hugged them both and Leo went upstairs to get their bags. Aunt Lisa started saying her good-byes to Danny and everyone else.

I turned to Harry. He held my face in his hands and shook his head.

“After what that girl tried to do, you still go out of your way to help her out?” he asked with a grin of disbelief but also admiration.

I played with the zipper of his jacket and rested a hand at his heart. I listened to a few beats before looking up into Harry’s eyes. 

“She has a heart, Harry. I want her to use it” I told him softly.

Harry took my hand and placed it over my heart.

“No” he shook his head. “You have a heart that’s so strong, so resilient, it’s made of gold. It cares about everyone and everything, even if they don’t deserve it” he corrected me.

Then he kissed my hand and sheltered it in both of his.

He turned slightly to see Leo with the bags. He went over to help him.

I sighed. We both have hearts of gold. We can’t stop caring about others, even if we tried.

I turned to Becky, who was sitting on the couch with Tony. She had been unbelievably antsy, but equally as quiet. I started to walk over to her, but Gemma yanked at my hand.

“Angie” she hissed.

Harry looked at her a moment. Then he nodded and let go of my hand.

Gemma led me to the kitchen and she started ruffling through the cabinets, creating noise to muffle out our voices.

“Did you get the box?” she asked.

I sighed. I was starting to feel like a child for not checking if I had a child on the way.

“You can’t get pregnant!” she half-shouted.

I blinked.

“I’m not preg-pregnant” I mumbled. At least not yet. It can’t be done that quickly. Can it?

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