ch.33 His kingdom

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"What?" Harry whispered loudly. He turned to me and stared in disbelief. 

"Arrest?" I gasped. 

I knew Harry had run flipped the TV off and drove back home hurriedly because he was running away from something we had both turned our backs on months ago.


The officer ignored me and glared at Harry. The guards behind him itched to grab Harry and handcuff him. No questions asked.

"Liam was my nephew," the officer spat in disgust.

Harry stared at his hands.

I looked up at the man and his mustache and hefty belt looked familiar.

I blinked. He was the sheriff who had warned me about Harry way back when I had searched where Harry did service work.  

The man looked into my eyes and then down at my stomach and blinked in recognition and disappointment.

"I told you about him," he shook his head. "Now he took a life and gave you another," he sighed as he looked down at my baby bump.

"Liam was trying to hurt her!" Harry defended.

The man laughed.

"Liam? Liam James Payne couldn't hurt a butterfly, let alone a girl, especially not the only girl he ever loved," he folded his arms over his chest.

I looked down at my stomach. 

Liam always made me feel so guilty when I was with him and when I refused to be with him the way he wanted me to be. It was just ten times worse when other people blamed me for not loving him back and when he resorted to alcoholic binges.

"He did," I spoke up. 

The sheriff and Harry both turned to me. 

"He tried to hurt me and Harry saved me," I nodded.

Harry held his hand in mine and kissed it quickly.

"I'll let the judge decide that," the sheriff spat. 

He nodded for the men to take Harry. They tugged his arms behind his back and clasped the cuffs on his wrists.

"No!" I screamed. 

I reached for Harry's hands again, but the other officers started leading him away.

"Angie, it'll be ok, everything will be ok," he nodded. 

I shook my head. Harry kissed my cheek. The officers pulled him back.

"Take care of my princess," Harry smiled softly.

I clutched my gut as I felt our baby kick my stomach. She was kicking her daddy, she wants him to come back.

I fell to my knees.

Harry reached for me immediately, but the officers tugged him away.

"Please," my voice cracked. I reached for the sheriff's arm.

He bent down and helped me up. 

"Please," I whispered. I clutched my stomach, in case they wanted to take our baby as well.

The sheriff looked at my baby bump and swallowed hard.

"She," I mumbled. "She can't see her daddy behind bars," I shook my head.

"Honey," the man sighed. "I have a warrant for Mr. Styles' arrest. He has to stay at the station for questioning. I'm sorry," he shrugged his shoulders. 

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