ch.20 The way of our puzzle

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"Angie, I think we should go" Harry spoke a bit sternly. It was almost like he was mad that I was crying and he was only mad because he could do nothing to stop it. That's what pained him the most. 

"No" I shook my head again as more tears fell, staining my dress and then disappearing into my skin.

Harry tugged lightly at my wrist.

"No!" I shouted and pushed at Harry's chest.

He stared at me, unsure if he should pull harder and force me into a hug or if he should step back and let me calm down.

I took a deep breath. Why am I getting so worked up? I've cried more rivers than JT could sing about. I gripped my stomach. And why did I feel so sick, so suddenly?

Grandma smiled at me as if happy about my bodily dysfunctions. She tugged at my wrist and led me to the bathroom, knowing even earlier than me that I was going to throw up. That chili was delicious, but it was also drenched in oil.

I started to close the door of the bathroom, but grandma insisted on helping me hold my hair as I threw up. I had only met the woman a few hours ago and though she was my blood-relative, my grandmother, she was already willing to see me in such an uncomfortable state. 

Another knot twisted in my stomach.

Grandma patted my back and held my hair delicately.

"Is this the first morning?" she asked me with a smile.

I blinked and wiped my mouth.

"First morning?" I mumbled. 

"Yes, of The Sickness?" she repeated, but still so vaguely. 

Then I looked down at my stomach.

I remembered my last period was more than a month ago, even before Gabriella was here. I also remembered me and Harry's 'lessons' and he had not only taught me my lesson, he had etched it all over my body, now leaving a permanent mark... a baby.

My stomach churned in excitement and fear and every other emotion I could think of (in addition to the chili from before). I threw up the entire bowl of chili and nearly threw up out of seeing it all in front of me. I was almost certain I would never eat another lick of food again after seeing it gurgled up like this in front of me. 

"It is your first day" she grinned happily and patted my back some more, until I had rid myself of my toxins.

I washed my mouth out about a dozen times and rubbed the sweat from my brow.

Grandma handed me a towel and she watched me take in the news that I was expecting.  Me and Harry were finally, yet so quickly expecting a baby.

"I gave you chili because I knew you were pregnant" grandma whispered loudly.

I blinked in confusion.

"H-how did you know?" I asked.

For a second, I wanted to take my question back. I assumed most grandmothers knew quite a bit of traditional, superstitious folklore type-stuff and would be able to tell anything about me, from the little tid bit that I like green peppers to the fact that I live by The Outsiders. 

"-Because I ate chili when I was pregnant with your mama. And I threw up right after" she grinned. Now we were officially of the same blood.

I nodded slowly. Then, as if wanting to prove her skills, she searched around the cabinets for a fresh pregnancy tester. She turned away and gave me some privacy as I checked. 

Two bars: pregnant. 

I looked up at the same moment as she did and she wrapped her arms around me, kissing my cheeks until they were moist.

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