ch.34 Bloodshot

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Harry's trial is this morning. I almost don't want to go because I'm afraid my baby is dying and I'm dying with every breath that I take. I don't want Harry to see me like this because he'll find out what Dr. Warner told me and Danny and that will only make him angrier and the judge will be even more convinced of Harry's guilt.

Yes, Harry did kill Liam, but he was trying to defend me. But, as horrible as it sounds, I knew in my heart that Liam wanted to die. He felt "black and blue" and he was miserable the last few weeks of his life. Harry merely sped up the process and ended his suffering, but that didn't make it better for Liam's family, let alone the police.

Liam's brother Nick walked up to me and sighed.

"Look" he began, then his eyes fell to my stomach and he gasped.

"What?" I spat.

He focused on my eyes instead of the bulging baby that was dying with every breath.

"I didn't want them to do an autopsy. My parents insisted. I had no other choice-"

"What's done is done" I replied coldly.

Nick nodded.

"How far along are you?" he asked quietly. He looked down at my stomach again and I felt the guilt seeping into his eyes and I was glad because it was burning me and my baby alive.

"Just over 5 months" I answered.

"I'm sorry" he apologized again.

I nodded and sat down next to Danny. Danny found out Harry was really guilty from Niall. Danny wasn't sure what to make of it and even more worried about what to make of Liam trying ot hurt me, let alone Harry killing another human being.

Becky, Becky didn't know the truth, but she was the one I was most worried about. These past few days, she's been antsy again, but it wasn't just over Liam's murder airing on the news again, she and Tony had been fighting according to Niall. But Tony and Becky fight one second, then make out the next. I hoped it wasn't anything serious because once Becky finds out the truth from this trial, I don't know if she'll ever speak to me or Harry again...

At that moment, Becky and Tony walked in. Tony waved at me and Danny, but Becky tugged a this arm and they sat on another bench. If they were fighting, Becky still had a strong hold on him.

"All rise" a voice called.

We all stood up when the judge, a short woman with black tufts of hair walked in. I squinted and saw that it was the same judge from Harry and Louis' trial. Louis...

Harry was walked to the stands with his cuffs. He nodded at me and I looked away before he found out what was wrong me with me and the baby. What's more, I was having fits of flashbacks again. I haven't had a serious nightmare in years, since-since the last time I was sitting in these stands.

"Do you, Mr. Harold Edward Styles, solemnly swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" the judge raised a brow.

"I swear" Harry nodded.

Something twisted in my gut. I patted my belly to comfort my baby from my anxieties.

A tall, thin man slithered in with his briefcase. HIs thinning, grey-brown hairs were smoothed back.

Tomlinson Sr.

"Mr. Styles, I am not at all shocked to see you here again" he grinned. 

The judge glared at him.

"I am a bit disappointed myself" the judge patted Harry's shoulder.

Tomlinson Sr. turned to find me in the crowd and his eyes bulged when he saw my stomach. I could have sworn he felt horrible for the order of all the events, but he wiped that fear and replaced it with his usual smirk.

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