ch.45 The Styles'

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I scooted over and Harry sat very carefully at the edge of the bed.  I held Darcy in my arms and Harry held me. 

"Welcome to the Styles family, Darcy" Warner grinned.

Harry and I smiled at Darcy as she looked up at us. She looked like she recognized us but also had no idea who we were. Harry kissed her belly. I patted her golden curl.

"Beautiful" Warner nodded and patted Harry's shoulder and rubbed my arm. He reached for Darcy's tiny hand but Harry took it first and Darcy coiled her fingers around Harry's pinky.

Warner laughed.

"The Daddy Mode is strong in him" Warner pointed at Harry.

Harry nodded proudly. He took Darcy from my arms and looked down at her. He smiled so faintly when she yawned and fluttered her lashes and her fingers tightened around his pinky.

"Daddy" I whispered and leaned my head against Harry's shoulder. 

Harry grinned and kissed Darcy's forehead. She closed her eyes slowly. 

Harry turned to me and his eyes were so round and wide, like he wanted to thank me with his tears (which he had rubbed away quicikly by this point).

"Mommy" he smiled and kissed my cheek.

Harry was a daddy. I could believe that, but, for some reason, it was hard for me to accept that I was a mommy. Even though I had just spent hours in labor.

Darcy burst into tears. 

Harry gasped as if it were his fault she was upset. He turned to me and then looked up at Warner.

"She's hungry" Warner told me. 

I nodded.

Gemma helped me untie the string at my neck. Harry carefully placed Darcy at my chest and her tiny mouth found her food instinctively. I took a deep breath and watched her face. Her eyes met mine and I smiled.

Then she squeezed a bit tightly and I gasped. Of the nine months Darcy has been living inside me, I have felt her moving many times but now that she was before me, still connected to me, but a separate being, I wanted to cry and sream and kiss her.

Harry watched on as Darcy's lids grew droopy and she didn't squeeze as tightly. She was falling asleep but Harry didn't want her to sleep. He had promised himself to see her when she opened her eyes and he had kept his promise but I had a feeling he had made another promise: to watch every breath that Darcy took.

Darcy's eyes closed serenely and a drop of milk was left on the corner of her lips. I dabbed it clean with a cloth and held her softly to my chest. Gemma re-tied my papery gown and smiled.

Warner, Gemma, and Becky helped me up. I washed up and took a shower quickly. My stomach was about a fourth of the size as before but it was a bit puffy. And everything below my waist was as sore as when Harry had taugh me his lessons.

I just wanted to hold Darcy and for Harry to drive us home to sleep and sleep...and sleep.

Gemma and Becky helped me dry off. They were grinning like eager nannies.

I sighed. Let the shopping sprees and dress-up games begin.

"I brought the princess dress" Gemma spoke up. She and Becky watched me carefully, making sure not to anger or stress me out or piss me off.

I shook my head.

"Not tonight" I told her.

She nodded slowly, very disappointedly, but still calmly.

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