ch.32 Crystal Ball

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Harry sat down next to me almost immediately. I looked at his face and he was dimples were shining through. His eyes were wide and glazed a bit with tears he would blink away in the next half second. 

Then he looked down at me and I looked up at him.

"A princess," he whispered, containing his fear and excitement. 

"A princess," I nodded.

Harry laughed and wound his arms around me so tightly, I was sure our princess would feel his love. He lifted my shirt up and kissed all over my stomach, unsure where the baby was exactly, but wanting to kiss every inch of her little baby body.

He pressed his hands to my stomach as if he wanted to pull the baby out right now. Harry jolted up and held his hand out to Dr. Warner. 

Dr. Warner blinked hesitantly. It seemed that he wanted to say more, but he was anxious, either that or he was just surprised that Harry was calling a truce with him.

They shook hands and Harry helped me up. He nearly carried me down the hall but I reminded him that people might think I was in labor or that I was hurt if he did that, so he nodded and tugged urgently, but delicately at my hand.

He kept whispering "princess" as he stared gleefully at the road, all the way to Danny's house. 

I smiled and kissed Harry's dimples.

"My baby princess," he grinned proudly.

"Our baby princess," I smiled.

"No, my baby princess," he corrected sternly.

I blinked.

"I mean ours," Harry smiled, but there was a gleam in his eye. He ruffled his fingers through his hair and I knew he was already plotting ways to keep our baby safe from everyone else, even me, her mother.

We reached the house and Harry jumped out the front seat and carefully helped me up the steps. I didn't need his help after five months of getting used to being heavier and essentially having a bowling ball attached to my stomach, but he was excited and I had been rude in those five months so now was his chance to bask in his glory.

Danny nearly ripped the door open in order to give me space to walk in. I don't know if he was just scared and nervous with me, his little sister who was supposedly always in need of protection and now had another being inside her that needed protection, or, if he just thought I was that fat and needed extra space. 

Danny looked down at my stomach, but his gaze stopped momentarily at my chest. He turned away so hurriedly, he looked terrified. He might as well have seen mom's ghost.

"How's the baby, Angie?" he asked quickily. He reached hesitantly to pat my stomach, but Harry put his hand over my belly, blocking Danny.

"Fine," Harry hissed. 

I turned to him. Harry cleared his throat and greeted the rest of the boys.

"Sh- It's fine," I smiled.

I wanted to build up to the big news, that way, the suspense burned in their gut the way sour cream and nutella always did in my belly.

"Jeez, Angie, you're huge," Tony teased as he looked down at my stomach, but his eyes landed on my chest first. He cleared his throat and looked away before Becky noticed.

Becky punched his shoulder.

"Ow," he hissed.

Becky kissed his shoulder, then pushed him out of the way so she could hug me first.

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