ch.49 Loved being loved

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Darcy was just over six months old now. She was growing taller and chubbier and sweeter while I tried to work off my baby pouch and my ever-persisten thunder thighs.

Harry and I were busy with Darcy and when we had time alone, we mostly spent it sleeping and I was happy because I knew he wanted to have another baby really soon but he's impulsive and quite obviously horny. So I played off the "I'm tired" and "I'm on my period" card a bunch of times and he just focused on caring for Darcy. 

Harry kept practicing letting her cry a bit before he picked her up. It killed him to sit there and listen to her cry even for a moment. But he got better at it and I helped him. It was a bit easier for me since I closed my eyes and remembered the hundreds of times Darcy grabbed my hair and chewed on my nipples. 

But it was still painful to listen to her crying. It was part of the needed minor discipline Dr. Warner always reminded me and Harry about (especially Harry). 

It worked. Darcy didn't cry as often as she used to and she didn't grab my hair when she was angry at me (which was still fairly often). Her eyes still light up when Harry came home and I wasn't going to take that away. She loved Harry with all her tiny heart and Harry worshipped every breath she took.

Even so, Darcy and I grew closer. Though I loved her since the day I learned she was growing inside me, Darcy didn't initially return the affection she felt so naturally for Harry, to me. It had bothered me for a while, especially since Harry ignored me more and more in those first few months but he realized it was better to hold both his angels at once instead of one at a time.

As for school, I finished my work during Darcy's naps and when Gemma and Becky came over to dress her up.

"Are you sure she's your daughter, Angie?" Gemma asked randomly.

She patted Darcy's new dress and pinched her cheeks. Darcy clapped eagerly. She wiggled her legs and arms to show off the intriciate lace designs of the sleeves and the skirt.

"Yes" I answered quickly.

I reached for Darcy. She was laying her belly, trying to hold her head up while trying to show off her new dress. She had enough dresses for every day of the year, yet she was only six months old.

I held her close to my chest in case Gemma was offering to adopt her or give her a modeling contract. I hadn't told Harry yet but I had been using the remaining modeling money to pay our bills and help the rest of the gang. Harry could technically quit his jobs at the bakery and at the police department. (Yes, he had started working there in order to work off his 'community service' and get a good name in for himself despite what his track record said...)

"I mean obviously, she's yours and she's Harry's baby girl twin but she's-she's"

"-So outgoing" Becky finished. 

Darcy screamed in agreement. She bobbed her head clumsily, from left to right, drawing even more attention to herself.

"And, well, confident" Gemma shrugged her shoulders. 

Darcy clapped gleefully. She scrunched up the ends of her dress and flapped the lace like wings.

"I'm confident, too" I declared. 

Darcy laughed. My cheeks burned red.

Gemma and Becky took her from my arms and tickled her, making her giggle even more.

"Angie, you know what I mean" Gemma reasoned quietly. 

I shook my head.

"Ok, so she's more like Harry and she looks exactly like him, but she's my daughter, my blood" I announced proudly. I took Darcy in my arms and kissed her cheek.

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