ch.17 The untold tale

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Harry took a big spoonful of his chili, distancing himself from a clearly personal conversation. But I didn't want him to feel left out, he was part of my family as much as I was a part of his and I wanted him to be included so I tugged at his arm until he scooted closer to me.

We both looked up at Farasha like young school children, eager for story time.

She smiled and began to share the untold tale of Angela Santini and JD Lorenzo.

"The Santinis were a long line of noble senators and their popularity with the people kept their lineage in power for decades" she explained.

I nodded, accepting the new and interesting information as she spoke it.

"Your mama was the youngest of Cristiano's daughters, his "three glories" as the townspeople described them, but she was easily the kindest and most honest" Farasha declared proudly.

I smiled up at her.

"She was also my preferito because even though I was the old maid and wet nurse, she always helped me with the housework and kept me company. Her older sisters, Electra- the arrogant and fiery red-head, and Portia- the meek and timid brunette, always teased her, calling her a disgrace to the Santini name" Farasha nodded slowly.

I looked up at her and she patted her scarf. My mom had older sisters. I never even knew she had siblings let alone cruel ones.

"Your mama ignored them for the most part and usually went off to her room- which was the highest in the entire Santini mansion- and she drew dozens of pictures. She drew so beautifully, so magnificamente that I posted the pictures all over the dining room hallway" she grinned warmly, as if recalling her child's work.

I glanced over at Harry and smiled. Danny draws. He must have gotten his talent from mom...

I wished I knew more about the little things my mom liked and didn't like. I wished my dad had told me these kinds of things, but I couldn't expect too much from him.

Something in my gut told me that those men at the park all those years ago were bad news and that my dad saw his life was dangling before him, that's why he kissed me goodbye. His heart broke when my mom died and the bullet that nestled in his chest merely sealed the deal...

"But Cristiano... and Karina, your nonni" Farasha continued and cleared her throat anxiously.

"They did not approve of your mama spending hours drawing instead of sewing or practicing her singing lessons, especially when she reached the tender age of 17, the delicate age when most wealthy young girls went to finishing school and their parents sought fidanzatos for them" she explained.

Harry squeezed my hand momentarily. I had fallen in love with Harry when I was 17 and I had a feeling that's when my mom met my dad.

"Your mama had no trouble at all capturing the attention of young men" Farasha winked at me, then at Harry. "And even those dirty older men" she added with disdain.

I looked down at my lap. Aunt Lisa had said many girls wanted to be my mom and many boys wanted to be with her, but she wasn't so open. She was shy and insecure, maybe a bit like me.

"When she drew and painted outside, in the Santini gardens or by the Santini lake, more people were watching her than she didi as she drew the plants and animals" Farasha laughed lightly. 

I laughed quietly with her. I might look like my mom, but she had something special to her, something I couldn't dream of having and that made her admirable to me.

"This is the part where the dashing, dangerous knight comes in" she grinned as she leaned close to me and whispered loudly.

I looked over at Harry and my cheeks turned slightly pink. Harry kissed the pinkness away.

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