To Nicole

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Hey Guys,

This is not an author's note about my writing or about publishing. I have dedicated this message to a very special girl that has been reading my stories for quite some time now. She was not my first reader but she is, hands down, my most dedicated and interactive reader. 

This girl contacted me through twitter and we had been tweeting back and forth since I finished KNIGHT this past March. Though I have received numerous tweets from my readers, applauding my work and telling me how much KNIGHT meant to them, the majority of them do not tweet me back after the fact. I don't know if it's because they've lost interest in my work or if they think they are bothering me by tweeting me. Because they aren't. I love getting consistent tweets from my readers. It gives me hope for future readers who will be just as adamant about my (published) work.

Anyway, this one girl doesn't just tweet me about my stories, we talk about everything from her crazy Canadian family to my Gabriella-esque sister who has a Liam follow and I just sdjkghkjfdfd. (Yes, I am a Liam girl, despite the fact that I killed him in this story. He was a character in this story).

Me and this girl actually skype and have skyped for hours. She's hilarious and she harasses me for updates by sending me gifs of people making out. She helps me cope with the occasional hate comments/messages. But, most of all, she gives me hope for a future in writing. I have told her everything (I've told you guys the same info bit it's different when you're speaking it than writing). 

But, that's not the half of it. My birthday is in 3 days (I actually didn't even know cause I forget what day it is in the summer). And she took the time to buy me everything from Sour (S)cream and Onion chips to "Chicken Soup for the writer's soul." (And shipping was really, really expensive but I will pay her back once I get my books on shelves). She wrote me notes of encouragement (even a poster of the boys) and I honestly can't thank her enough.

She's beautiful and brilliant and though she begs me to write more kinky Hangela sex, she's absolutely amazing about talking to me about KNIGHT. She knows the entire ending of the saga and I don't want to make anyone else feel bad for not knowing, but you always need that one person who knows everything so that they can tel you if it's stupid or not.

She writes imagines here on wattpad and her name is MrsStylesHoranXX so please be sure to check her out if you're in the mood for some kinky imagines. (She does requests, too).

Thank you Nicole for all your immense support. 



(or, M. L., my publishing name).

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~~~>Atlantis094 <~~~

Instagram: Atlantis94

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