ch.60 Double

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In the year since I had given birth to Darcy, I had remnants of baby fat. But, I worked it all off a few weeks ago and that's when I allowed Harry's body to find mine again. Even so, I had denied Harry's natural right to touch me, his wife, because I was afraid he wouldn't want to see the changes that had taken place on my body. 

Dr. Warner himself had said "you won't touch her the same way" and his words had subconsciously haunted me for the past year. I've never been thin and I never wanted to be. I've always had a bit extra to hold on to, enough that my ribs didn't poke out and my hips and thighs could sway to their own rhythm.

All that aside, Darcy was my first official baby and she definitely left some marks on my body. I was as ashamed of them as much as I was proud to be Darcy's mommy.

But Harry didn't stop to say: 'Angie, you've got a stretch mark on your thigh' or 'Angie, you're not as tight as you used to be.'

Harry saw the ghost of the marks but he didn't call them out because he wanted to touch me and I was still the woman he had fallen in love with and married and that's all that matter. Basically, I gave up delicious and raw intimiate moment out of my insecurity. That was a loss even bigger than the weight I worked off.

Harry pressed his lips to my neck and followed down to my chest. He was careful to control himself as he kissed my breasts and lightly licked my nipples until they were hard. He let his tongue wander down my stomach and along my hips, then to my thighs. He kissed and licked me like his personal ice cream, until I was more wet between my legs than on my skin.

"Taste" Harry whispered across my skin. "Just like to taste you" he nodded as he licked me up to my neck, until he reached my lips. 

I rested my hands at his neck and tugged him closer. He pressed his lips to mine and I slowly intertwined my tongue with his, tasting the sheam of sweat on my skin, which he had licked just moments before. 

Harry scooted back and rested his head in his hands as he looked down at me.

I glanced up at him and pushed his stray curls aside. They were tainted with a sheer coat of sweat. I traced his nose and followed along those round nostrils until I reached his curled, crimson lips. 

Harry grinned. He bent lower and kissed me softly. 

I scooted closer to him and he wrapped his free arm around my shoulders. I nestled my head in the crook of his collar bone and upper chest. 

But Harry wanted me closer. He tugged both his arms more tightly around me, until his back was to my chest. I rested my arms behind me, letting them trace the contour of the muscles on his back.

Harry leaned his head lower as he tried to reach my breasts with his tongue. But they hung too low for him and his lips were too high above.

So he used his hands. His fingers held my breasts delicately, like he were examining his next meal but was careful not to eat just yet. 

He squeezed just enough to my nipples hard but it wasn't painful like the times he was really hungry.

"God's greatest creation" he whispered in awe.

"Women?" I raised a brow proudly.

"Breasts" he winked.

I laughed and pushed his hands aside to cover my chest with my arm.

Harry laughed. He coiled his arms around me carefully and held me in his lap. I felt the warmth deep in his groin but he didn't allow himself to be aroused my the fact that my bum was against him.

He covered my breasts and my vee with his arms and rocked gently. To and fro.

I would have fallen asleep on any other occasion but I was much too exhilarated to drift off right now.

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