Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Place

Start from the beginning

"Brian," I said turning around to him as he leaned against the door frame. "You can't take her out like that, specially when it's raining outside." 

"I'm sorry babe. I swear if I knew that it was gonna rain, I wouldn't have taken her. Point is, she's better and I took her a bath and changed her before so she can't get sick. Now I'm gonna go shower up and get changed. You wanna...?" He wiggled his eyebrows, making me chuckle in a nervous way. 

"Of course I wanna." I said, making my way towards him so we can have a little fun while Sophia slept.  It's true what they say, you do have less time for you and your spouse when you have a baby. 

In all honesty, I thought Brian would be right about Soph not getting sick, but we were both wrong. 

I woke up the next morning to a crying baby with a fever and a Brian who couldn't speak with out coughing every ten seconds. I was completely fucked and stuck in the middle. 

"Brian, I can't go. I can't leave you with Soph. You got a cold and you're gonna end up getting a headache. You're gonna take some medicine and knock out and then if the baby cries, you're not gonna be able to wake yourself up. It's better if I stay." I fought Brian as he ate soup on the couch. 

He shook his head, placing the bowl on the coffee table, "Babe you gotta go to work. I'ma be fine. I'll call Suzy." 

I tilted my head, "Even though your mom and dad offered to take care of the baby whenever, we can't always put the weight on them. I need to take care of my tribe too. Let me take over today okay? Now after you're done, go upstairs to our room. I'll put the humidifier and you two can sleep there for the rest of the day okay?" 

"You know, if I didn't have shit coming out of my nose,  I'd kiss the living fuck out of you right now. But it's nearly impossible for me to control these little fuckers so from a far," He planted a kiss on his hand and waved it towards me, making me laugh. "Thank you baby." 

Getting off the couch, I leaned in towards him and locked our lips together. I could careless if he was sick, I wanted to kiss him. "You're welcome. Now hurry on and finish so you can join Soph in her room." 

After just a few hours of disinfecting the house and putting the two sick birds to sleep, I had time to just relax. Truth be told, I missed just staying home and watching TV. It became a habit and habits are hard to break. 

"...The rain is set to stop later on in the evening. Tom back to you...

There was a rough knock at the door and it nearly made me jump out of my seat. I turned off the TV set and hastily walked over to open the door, only to see Gena crying her eyes out. It broke my heart and at first, I honestly didn't know what was going on. 

"What's wrong?" 

As she caught various breaths in her throat, she began to explain her problem. "He... I... I... Jackie... He's cheating on me." 

I so badly wanted to run and hide since I knew he was. I felt like a horrible friend keeping it from her and I definitely didn't want to but I can't break that family bond with Zacky. 

"Come in." I said, allowing her to enter my house. 

She sat on the couch, hanging her head in her hands, "I don't know what I did for him to cheat on me. I'm always there for him. I'm always babying him... I'm just so confused right now. I hate this so much." 

"How did you find out?" I asked, sitting on the couch across her. 

"I uh... I went through his phone while he was showering. I know it was so wrong and selfish but he's been taking off for days on end and I've asked him where he's gone and his response is always with Matt or Johnny... But I called Johnny and Lacey answered and she said that Zacky's never stood with them. So earlier today, I just got his phone and read some texts." 

I had to play the innocent card and it was pretty tough to do so, "Who was it from? Or what did it say?" 

"It's some girl Lindsay. Did you know that he took her to Catalina Island and stood in Reno with her? I'm so shocked and... confused. I'm not even sure what's happening right now. What... What do I do?" 

"I'm so sorry Gena... I didn't have a clue." But I did have a clue... I had many. Zacky had been going out on consecutive trips with Lindsay ever since the wedding. He'd give Brian his wedding band for the days he'd leave. It was a shocker that he hadn't gotten caught by any fan.

I couldn't help but feel bad for Gena and I wanted to tell Zacky that she found out. It's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place... I couldn't lie. I stopped that a while back and I'd be damned if I continued on... 

Brian's heavy footsteps could be heard from the staircase, causing Gena and I to turn in his direction. "Hey, what's going on?" 

"Your dill hole of a best friend fucking cheated on me." She bluntly said wiping her tears away. "I'm so sorry for waking you up." 

Brian and I exchanged similar looks saying we didn't know what to do. "Damn..." He said, sitting on the arm rest beside me, "I'm... I'm sorry?" 

She scoffed rather loudly, rolling her eyes, "Don't act stupid Brian. I'm pretty sure you knew he was cheating on me..." 

"No, Gena. I didn't. I can talk to him if you wan-" 

"No." She interrupted. "For what? He's done it already. I just want to catch him in the act... I'm surprised you two didn't know about it. You being his cousin and you being his best friend." She waved her arms between Brian and I, visually explaining her surprise. 

Brian and I, again, exchanged the same look. We both obviously felt like shit for even keeping hushed about it. And let it be known, I felt horrible. 

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