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Late at night you are again at the check-in at the airport. There is still the woman you talked to before. As she sees you and your parents she smiles. Before the woman is able to say anything to you your dad starts talking. Thank god. Of course you have not told your parents that you were already here a few hours ago.

Later you get your purple ticket. Purple? Gosh. Amazing!

There are still two hours left until the boarding will start and you are just waiting and waiting. Two Coffees later you decide to call Justin. He must be on his way to Zurich right now.

Justin: “Sup?”

You: “Hey J! It’s me [your name]!”

Justin: “Aww. Hi girl! How are you?”

You: “I’m fine, and you?”

Justin: “Okay. Journey is a little hard. We’ve passed France now.”

You: “Oh. That’s awesome. Will you get some rest there?”

Justin: “No, not enough time. Zurich is waiting for me! Beliebers are waiting for me.”

You: “I see.”

Justin: “So …What are you doing?”

You: “Uhm…nothing much. Preparing for school and you?”

Justin: “Good girl. Playing X-Box and eating fast food.”

You: “Ahaha. Still the kid!”

Justin: “That’s not funny. I just love playing games.”

You: “It’s alright. Did not want to bother you.”

Justin: “You never do, Shawty.”

You: “Okay, well … enjoy your food then.”

Justin: “I will. … so I guess you should continue learning.”

You: “I took five, so no problem.”

Justin: “Great. You know it’s good to hear your voice again. In the bus there’s just Kenny right now and we’re playing for hours. I’m a little bored of all.”

You: “I see. If you had taken me with you, you wouldn’t have been bored now!”

Justin: “Ahaha. Maybe. But it’s better this way. … Believe me!”

You: “Hmm. Can I say something?”

Justin: “Uhm, sure!”

You: “I miss your face here!”

Justin: “Haha. Aww. That’s sweet. I miss yours, too!”

You: “Aww. Good to hear that.”

Your mom is interrupting:

“Honey! Time to go; say bye!”

You: “Okay mom!”

Justin: “What’s the matter there?”

You: “Uhm … nothing much. Well I have to hang up, because …we, my family and I are visiting my grandma. A long journey!”

Justin: “I see. So we both are now driving around.”

You: “Ahaha, seems like.”

Justin: “We are just driving in different directions.”

You: “… ahahaha … yeah!”

Justin: “Well, have fun!”

You: “Thanks. I hope so. Have fun, too. Enjoy the ride!”

Justin: “I hope so, too. It’s really bored, but I heard your voice … that’s enough for some miles.”

Your World - Season 2Where stories live. Discover now