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Justin's POV:

I feel so tired. The night had been long and I was up till 3am. I look down the clock on the bed stand: 7am

Gosh! Sel will be here in an hour.

I get up and walk downstairs to the dining hall. Kenny is already waiting for me.

Kenny: “Sup biebz!”

I: “Hey! Tired, and you?”

Kenny: “Haha. Yeah. You boy are really strange!”

I: “Haha. Yeah. And I’m proud of it.”

Together, him and me, we’re eating a delicious meal containing cereals and pancakes. Not that good for teeth and body but I really need it!

Half an hour later and like hundreds of jokes later I shower up. I have to detect my intimate hair grows and I really want it to shave again. But there is no time.

8 am

Knock, knock

I open the door, my heart is beating quickly.

Selena: “Hi honey!”

She kisses me on my left cheek.

I: “Wow! Stop it! You wanted to talk, so then talk!”

Selena: “I bet it’s better talking inside not here on the floor.”

She smiled nastily.

I groan and let her enter the room.

I: “Please take a seat!”

She sits down on my bed

Selena: “I’m your girlfriend Justin and you have to accept this. You don’t love the OLLG. I know! What was her name like?”

I: “I won’t say it! Hey, I broke up with you, Sel! Please understand this!”

Selena: “I know you broke up. But like I said you don’t want to … because … if you are not helping me getting more money I’ll upload some sexy pics of yours on web.”

I: “What pics? We never did something like that!”

Selena: “Yeah, you are right. WE didn’t do that.”

I: “What do you bean by ‘WE’ ? ”

Selena: “We didn’t do that, but me!”

I: “What!?”

Selena: “Aww. C’mon Justin. It’s prolly you will have thousands of relationships. So I prepared for this case to destroy your career and to push me up!”

I: “What the hell!?!?!! Have you ever loved me?”

Selena: “No. I only wanted fame and money, like Jasmin. And c’mon you knew this. No one is interested in your fucking personality which is soo girly and gay-like!”

My heart feels broken. I’ve never felt such a pain. Every part of my body starts screaming! And tears begin falling down my eyes.

I: “But …”

Selena: “But what!? Why are you crying, little boy? You are so over emotional!”

I: “But I thought you love me how I am!”

Selena: “Muahahaaahaaa. Silly! I love your beauty and money that’s all!!”

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