Being truant

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To be exact it is 9 am and some strange noises let you wake up.



You moan loudly. Yesterday you turned in too late and you are still tired. You need a lot of sleep and especially after all what happened last night. Poor Justin, you really hope he can persuade Selena to remove the pictures.



There is still this noise. Then you get it.

You: “MOBILE!”

You start searching for it around your bed and finally you find it. Quickly you unlock the screen and answer the call.

You:  “Hi! Who am I speaking to?”

Justin: “Justin!”

You: “Aww. Hey, boy. You just wake me up.”

Justin: “Oh, I’m really sorry!”

You: “No, that’s not a problem. It’s, uhm …”

You look down the mobile

You: “…9am!”

Justin: “Ahaha. Okay.”

You: “So did Sel remove the pics?”

Justin: “Uhm well, yeah!”

You: “You don’t sound certain. What’s the matter?”

Then there is silence. 

You: “Hello? Are you still there?”

Justin: “Uhm. I …”

You: “What?”

You believe to hear him crying and then he starts with his story.

Justin: “Okay, I have to tell you something I haven’t told anyone before. And whatever I’m telling you now, please don’t freak out or tell anybody else, alright?”

You: “Uhm… Justin? What’s the matter?”

Justin: “Promise!”

You: “Okay, I promise. I won’t tell anybody!”

Justin: “Good. So…uhm Selena is shaking me down!”

You: “She what?”

Justin: “Please. Just listen, you promised!”

You: “Oh. I’m sorry, go on.”

Justin: “She says she was just my girlfriend for getting fame and money.”

You: “No, she didn’t say that!”

Justin: “She did! And now she wants to ruin my career … and to push her up to … to get more money!”

You: “OMG and by means of what?”

Justin: “The pics, you know. The whole time in our relationship … she took pictures of me in case I would break up … with her.”

You: “But how?”

Justin: “She gave me drugs so … I was really sleepy and then … she took off my clothes and took some photos.”

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