The end?

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You are afraid that this day will become as awful as it was yesterday. Still depressed you chek your mobile phone. You got a new text message. Who might this be? You open your messages and realize Justin wrote it. OMG. Shall you really read this? He did not text you the day before and now he is texting you? This is weird. You thought he did not like you. But maybe you were wrong.

Thus you open the message and start reading.

“Hey, gurl! Um sorry, but have 2 cancel the prize of the quiz. Selena is ma true luv. No fan will be ma OLLG again. Selena follows me now 2 every concert, playing the role of my gurl. Leave the hotel and hava nice life.”


Your life brakes apart now. All the dreams you had in your mind and which you wished to come true are now destroyed. YOU ARE NOTHING – again. You start crying like you never did before and it seems like waterfalls are crashing down from your eyes.

Is this really happening? How can this happen? Why does this happen to you? Are you really that horrible? Why did he choose you to be his OLLG? Was this kind of a bad joke?

One question follows the other one.

So this is the end.



The phone. Why does the phone ring? You might this be? Maybe Justin again to assure he destroyed your life and that you feel like stabbed to the ground?

Hesitant you walk towards the touch screen and finally click on a button. You look for a receiver until a voice sounds.


The female voice seems to come out of the ceiling.

You: “Hi, who’s there?”

Woman: “Is this you kiddy? It’s your mom!”

You: “MOM! Thank god you are calling!”

Mom: “Where are you?”

You: “I’m in the Ritz. 49th floor to be exact.”

Mom: “OMG!”

You: “Actually, from where did you get this number?”

Mom: “Well, after Justin and you drove away Justin’s manager paid us a visit and gave us the number. He was so comforting you must know. He told us that we don’t have to be worried and everything will go well and if we feel to call you or to hear your voice he gave us the number. Never thought it’s a number from the Ritz!”

You: “Scooter was at ours?”

Mom: “Yeah!”

You: “Gosh.”

Mom: “So. Did you enjoy the concert?”

You: “Oh, yes. I did. It was amazing, unbelievable to describe!”

Mom: “Well, well. Everything’s normal here, so … no news from us.”

You: “Hmm.”

Mom: “What’s the matter, honey? Tell me. I know something’s not right. And don’t dare lying to me!”

You: “It’s nothing, really. I … I just …”

Mom: “What?”

You: “I guess I have to die now!”

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